15 Formulas To Drive Facebook Traffic To Blog/Website | Promoting Blog on Facebook

If you are a blog writer, you must know the importance of the traffic for the content you publish on your blog. If you had subscribed my regular updates you got to know, there are different but effective ways to bring more and more audience plus organic traffic to the blog. The most important platform is FACEBOOK - it's an ultimate platform having millions of active users and so you can drive targeted traffic to your blog posts easily.

How to get traffic from Facebook for free
People used to ask; what is Facebook traffic? How to promote a blog on Facebook? How to increase traffic to your Facebook business page? How to get traffic from Facebook groups? How to drive traffic to your Facebook page? How to get more traffic to your website? In answering all too; you arrived at the right place, here you'll learn Facebook marketing success formula.

Currently, we are living in the world of the internet, people are used to getting online for everything. That is why it's become very important to reach your audience online. There are many websites that are built & designed to showcase the products and services, but, to make the people aware of all your products and services, it is vital to reach them. Social networking is the most effective medium that offers a huge gateway channel between the publishers & their targeted audience to introduce all their business activities to the public. There are a number of social networking channels, but Facebook is the most popular one.
The Facebook is the ultimate social media platform where you can remain in touch not only with your friends but with your business clients, subscribers, and followers. There are running a business on Facebook publishing user generated content and making money online. At the same time, you can use these contacts for business exposure. Facebook platform is an excellent place to market, promote, and sell all the products and services of the business. This is the best place to get new clients for your business. For all the publishers, getting Facebook fans to the blog post or web page is a more critical and challenging one.

If you able to check the daily traffic report by Facebook you'll get to know that, it is one of the great sources to get targeted traffic to your website. Facebook has an option that able to track website traffic become easy for publishers. Well, there are some important points to learn effective marketing on Facebook and those can help make the task easier and simpler for you as a publisher or business website owner. These tips not only help you to improve network marketing Facebook posts but to turn Facebook into a traffic monster. These are the most working methods to increase your Facebook page traffic by as much as 60%.
How to get traffic from Facebook for free: Learn driving traffic from Facebook to your blog website. Driving Facebook traffic to your blog and website is essential. Know the tricks of Facebook traffic? How to promote a blog on Facebook? And find new ways to increase traffic to your website. Facebook groups are also a good source of referral traffic. Would you like to drive more Facebook traffic to your website? Here you will learn Facebook marketing success formula and new ways you can promote your website with Facebook. Check effective marketing strategies on Facebook to fetch a massive audience and improve traffic to the website or blog. Use 15 actionable, effective, creative methods to improve network marketing Facebook posts and turn Facebook into a traffic monster. Find the most working ways to increase your Facebook page traffic without paying.
How to get traffic from Facebook for free: Learn driving traffic from Facebook to your blog website. Driving Facebook traffic to your blog and website is essential. Know the tricks of Facebook traffic? How to promote a blog on Facebook? And find new ways to increase traffic to your website. Facebook groups are also a good source of referral traffic. Would you like to drive more Facebook traffic to your website? Here you will learn Facebook marketing success formula and new ways you can promote your website with Facebook. Check effective marketing strategies on Facebook to fetch a massive audience and improve traffic to the website or blog. Use 15 actionable, effective, creative methods to improve network marketing Facebook posts and turn Facebook into a traffic monster. Find the most working ways to increase your Facebook page traffic without paying.

15 Ways How To Get Traffic From Facebook For Free

Learn quick marketing on Facebook that will drive massive audience and improve traffic to the website in short period of time. The web traffic analysis shows that the facebook is the most target driving site till today.

Drive traffic to website using Facebook:

1. Facebook profile is very important.

In order to get more customers and more traffic for your business, through Facebook, the first preference should be given to your Facebook profile than cover photo. If you make your profile interesting, you can become popular easily.

It is recommended to give enough background information. You can include the information about the business in short. Also, you can provide your personal profile and can optimize your own "About" section with lots of different links to your blog or website.

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2. Put information on your wall & photo gallery.

Facebook allows adding photographs and images. You can add blog images, business pics to your Facebook wall, and in the photo gallery. This will help in building interest in you as well as in your products.

You can even post the videos to your wall to promote your blog on Facebook. Adding photos, images and videos will ultimately help you to drive traffic to your blog.

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3. Arranging & designing the Facebook page.

Facebook offers the ultimate flexibility for designing your page. Rearrange Facebook tabs to boost your user engagement. You can move around many boxes and arrange the page that goes perfectly with you.

Facebook allows you to put the RSS feed with the links in the visible space of your blog on Facebook. This alone can help you to generate lots of traffic for your blog.

For better understanding; you must read: 15 Best Ways To Get More Likes For Your Facebook Page

4. Building network.

The social network is always the biggest capital. Invite friends, business partners, and many followers around the globe and ask them to join as the subscriber. With this, you can reach the maximum number of active but targeted people. Make sure you are not spamming or being pushy, as it will never help you to convince the people.

In order to derive more blog traffic from Facebook, you should search for the people who have interests similar to yours. Building a strong and powerful network in a positive & effective way is always goes in favor of you, your blog, website and so your business.

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5. Post on regular basis.

Publishing new and fresh content is always important. It is very important to add new posts regularly.

In order to get more blog traffic from Facebook, if possible post your blogs as frequently as you can.

You can even update your FB status regularly.

I suggest you read; Top 3 Key Reasons To Review, Edit & Republish Old Posts - Build Website Traffic

6. Be active.

You need to keep your online activity running constantly. Having a good profile and posting regularly is very important. At the same time, it is very important to remain active.

You can visit the profiles of your visitors and supporters, start conversations, try to be in touch, reply to the queries or questions commented on your posts. You can even take an active part in the groups and other initiatives.

7. Add big images and videos.

Facebook is a platform where you can interact with the people through words, images, and videos. Visual content is much more interesting and easy to understand. The images and photos get more engagement and in turn more clicks to your website.

By using full-sized images you can make the page more attractive. At the same time, videos can also be added through which you can convey your message easily. By embedding the video, you can engage your fans excellently and drive them towards the website very easily.

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8. Creating a group.

In order to get more blog traffic from Facebook, you can start a group related to your business.

A dedicated group helps you to get more and more targeted users to join the group. Ultimately, you will get a huge network of people interested in you, your products, and your services.

9. Joining groups on Facebook.

You can even join Facebook groups. This serves with a list of people in a single search.

There are so many groups on Facebook you can join and can showcase your blog, products, and services.

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10. Hosting contest on your blog via Facebook.

Generating traffic to your blog can even be achieved by publishing interactive contests.

You can promote the contest by posting it on your Facebook page with HASHTAG. This is a great marketing strategy to bring more and more targeted audience for your blog.

SEO UPDATE: Hashtag Engine Optimization [HEO]: Everything You Want to Know - Future of SEO

11. Sharing other people’s blog content.

If you are focusing on social media, especially Facebook for getting more clicks, you can share other people’s blog content. This will improve the trust in your business and brand. Not only marketing but the trust keep your audience with you for a long time.

You can share the contents of your fans, industry leaders, and reputable sources similar to yours.

12. Use a short quote from your blog.

You can add short quotes from your blog on your Facebook wall. Find the most interesting quotes from your blog post that is more concise and offer a flavor of the content.

Try to make the quote more personalized and interesting by adding images or photos of the writer.

13. Optimize different places on Facebook to bring them to your blog.

In order to drive more targeted traffic to your blog, you can add links to different parts of the Facebook page. For that matter, you can concern "About Page". Here you can add a link and drive the visitor to your website directly.

You can even add links to your milestones, photo description, etc. There are custom tabs that can help you to get your visitor linked to your website.

You may like to read; 121 Best Side Hustle Blog-Post Ideas & Topics To Kick Start Your Professional Blogging Life

14. Go for Facebook social ads.

Consider using Facebook Social Ads. This is yet another way to drive more and more traffic to your blog.

The Facebook ads offer an additional source for more customers. These are the PPC ads that can help you excellently to generate sustained traffic for your blog and business.

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15. Subscribe PROBLOGBOOSTER on Facebook.

Problogbooster always tends to serve you better quality and help you to improve traffic to website.

Don't forget to get regular but quality updates on your Facebook newsfeed. Subscribe Problogbooster and stay updated.

Bottom Line

Driving the traffic for the blog is very essential. Along with the quality of your blog, it is necessary to concentrate on a publication of the blog. And for this the ultimate source is Facebook. This offers an excellent platform where you can find out the number of the target audience for your blog.

Driving traffic to your blog from Facebook can offer a great impact for your business. With lots of effective ways, you can bring more and more audience to your blog through this single social platform.

Facebook offers incredible opportunities to enhance the traffic for your blog and web page. Take advantage of it to increase your blog article readership.

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