Top 11 Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications

You are here as because you’ve chosen to be html5 app developer and you’d like to know how to develop Android apps? Sounds good! Mobile apps are the latest trend in this modern world of mobile phones and tech gadgets. And, more and more tech enthusiasts are looking forward to developing a career in mobile phone application development. Various business owners are spending on html5 app developer to advise that they require investing in custom app development as it becomes easier with the best programming languages used by many app development companies.

Top mobile app development languages
People used to ask; What programming language do you need to make an app? Which cross platform app development languages is best for app development? What are the benefits of developing a mobile app for business? What programming languages for app development is used to develop Android apps? Which programming language is used to develop iPhone apps? What are the different types of languages required for app development with features?

The programming language preferred by html5 app developer can be one of the most essential factors and should also be one of the primary steps required wisely. Since mobile marketing continues to dominate the digital marketing field, the mobile application development business in the last few years has increased considerably, transforming the way businesses perform globally.

With smartphone sales predicted to reach 2 billion units in the current year, there has never been a better time to dive into mobile app development. The fact is, if you’re at the beginning in this entire app development situation, you must have the best tools to provide useful, working & best mobile apps. But more than that, you require the proper programming language that’s compatible with the latest mobile platforms.

Millions of users are on smartphones today. So you must have to build compatible mobile apps for all kinds of mobile operating systems. However, one dilemma that many have to face is which programming language they should master for developing some of the best mobile apps out there.

In order to grow a highly skilled html5 app developer with all of the essential knowledge, info, and expertise to be the best, it is required to completely know the top 10 programming languages. Well, to cut down the hassle, here we have listed best 10 mobile application development languages that are best for professionals and the beginners alike. This page will also help you to pick the best suitable mobile development platform so that you can jump in and start building mobile apps. Let’s take a look.
Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications. Listed top languages for mobile app development - Pick the most common mobile app development language and start developing apps is easy, but which is the most suitable programming language that will help you choose the best quality with your Android/iOS mobile app? Check out the guide for choosing the right and best mobile app development coding languages to build your apps. Shared app development tools, cross platforms, frameworks with an overview of Ruby, HTML 5, C++, Objective-C, and more. Business picks html5 app developer since its easy. With different types of languages required for app development by features, you must consider multiple factors, pros, cons, the popularity of the app language before starting developing mobile apps. This article will help you to choose the best suitable mobile development language and platform you can jump in and start making mobile apps.
Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications. Listed top languages for mobile app development - Pick the most common mobile app development language and start developing apps is easy, but which is the most suitable programming language that will help you choose the best quality with your Android/iOS mobile app? Check out the guide for choosing the right and best mobile app development coding languages to build your apps. Shared app development tools, cross platforms, frameworks with an overview of Ruby, HTML 5, C++, Objective-C, and more. Business picks html5 app developer since its easy. With different types of languages required for app development by features, you must consider multiple factors, pros, cons, the popularity of the app language before starting developing mobile apps. This article will help you to choose the best suitable mobile development language and platform you can jump in and start making mobile apps.
The time has been gone where the landline phones were working as the extensions & fulfilling all your communication needs. Today we are in a mobile world. In the previous post, I was talking about the most important Top 18 Reasons To Develop Mobile App For Business - Small Business Marketing From last 8 years, the phone app development industry has been developed both iOS and Android app stores remarkably & have more than 2 Millions of mobile application as of this year. It's time to develop mobile apps for your business that will work as an online shop performing directly on the hands of all your users. Let me explain which language you can use and how it going to beneficial for a cost-effective point of view.

Best 10 Programming Languages for Mobile App Development

Programming languages used to develop mobile applications: Choosing which programming language, to begin with, will depend completely on what you expect to achieve. And once you decide the suitable language, you can find the app developer and the preferred cross-platform mobile app development tools to match.

Check out the best coding languages used to build mobile apps and you can choose the best programming language from following list:

1. Python

Python - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Python - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Probably, the most famous language for mobile app development, Python is a high-level programming language that is widely used around the world for mobile app development. In fact, python coding uses is equally useful for web development, analysis, and computation of scientific data, making desktop GUIs, as well as software development.

With python’s core philosophy supporting beauty, explicitness, simplicity, and readability, there is probably no better language to learn for mobile app development.

Here are some of Python key features:
  • Runtime processing by interpreter
  • OOP language
  • Easily learned and mastered
  • Better readability
  • Interactive language
  • Scalable
  • Runs on Mac, Windows, Linux, and Unix
  • Offers support for GUI apps
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2. HTML5

HTML5 - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
HTML5 - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
HTML5 is the perfect programming language if you are trying to develop a web-based app for mobile devices. Although html5 development allows you to make various data types easy to insert, simple coding concerning different screen sizes and resolutions and also calibrates the input parameters, making responsive browser input fields. HTML5 based mobile apps are fully responsive and work smoothly on types of devices. It is still a recommended standard & used to present content on the internet. HTML5 is not actually a mobile app development language.

In order to build the best mobile app in HTML5, it has to be worked with other programming languages such as CSS, JavaScript, or PHP. With html5 development you can build mobile apps for Android as well as iOS operating systems. From the cost-efficiency point of view, HTML5 has the advantage of making the current version of HTML much simpler than that for a totally new language. The best example; Google Docs and Google Drive are mostly built-in HTML 5 coding languages.

Here are HTML5 major features:
  • Easily learned & works perfectly with all devices
  • supports audios & videos
  • Easy to develop games
  • cross-platform and full responsiveness
  • clean coding
  • Cuts down the development time
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3. BuildFire.Js

BuildFire.Js - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
BuildFire.Js - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
This app development language leverages Javascript and BuildFire SDK for letting developers create the mobile buildfire app quickly. BuildFire already comes with plugins that cover more than 70 percent of standard use cases in business, all that is left to the developers are building particular functionality that is client-specific instead of building an entire buildfire app from scratch.

With BuildFire.Js, the developers can be able to use client-side Javascript frameworks of their choice including Angular, jQuery, Underscore, React, etc.

Here are some salient features of BuildFire.Js language:
  • Easy to master and works perfectly fine with the existing frameworks
  • Cuts down the development time
  • Highly Scalable
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4. Java

Java - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Java - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
It’s probably the most utilized language for app development. Even Android OS was developed using Java application design and it means that if you have command over Java then you’ll be able to create all sorts of Android apps putting yourself in driver’s seat. The reason why it’s the most suitable language for mobile application development is that it can run on every platform, including Android.

Here are some of Java major features:
  • Object Oriented
  • All Platform Compatibility
  • Easy-to-learn
  • Supports APIs for easy integration
  • Error-free coding with powerful IDEs
  • Availability of Open-Source libraries
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5. Swift

Swift - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Swift - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
App development with Swift - it is the programming language with immense potential for reshaping the future. Apple Inc. released it back in 2014-15 for Linux and iOS. It’s the primary language used for the development of OS X and iOS apps. Swift app developers really make a serious amount of money developing apps and in the US their salaries are the highest on average.

Google also plans to make a switch to Swift and, if it happens, demand for the Swift developers and applications will go skyrocketing and no other language will be there to compete.

Here are some of Swift key features:
  • Easy to master, particularly if you already have grip over Objective-C
  • It’s simplified form of Objective-C
  • Open Source
  • Easy-to-Code
  • Easy-to-Maintain
  • Requires less amount of coding

6. C#

C# - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
C# - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Read as C Sharp, its component and object-oriented multi-paradigm mobile app development language. C# came from Microsoft as a general-purpose language for program development. It can be used for developing just about anything be it mobile apps/games or web services.

If you plan on developing some gaming application then you can’t find a better language than C# for it.

Here are some of the major features of C# programming language:
  • Simple and easy-to-use
  • Type-safe language
  • Scalable
  • .Net Framework access
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7. Objective-C

Objective-C - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Objective-C - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
It is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language that is actually derived from the famous C language. Its one of the easy tasks to learn to code objective c. Objective-C is at the core of OS X and iOS and was used by Apple before Swift.

This programming language is there to stay for a couple of major reasons. First of all, there’s so much of investment in this language when it comes to apps. Secondly, frameworks used in the apps still have to rely on the Objective-C language and even Swift launch couldn’t change that. So, learning Objective-C and making mobile apps in it can still be a great idea. The language can be used for creating all sorts of apps.

Here are some major features of Objective-C language:
  • Simple
  • Both C and C++ can be used in tandem with Objective-C
  • Offers support for dynamic typing
  • Makes use of dynamic run-time

8. C++

C++ - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
C++ - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
It is yet another object-oriented, a general-purpose programming language that comes with a low-level memory manipulation feature. The syntax is pretty much similar to C and is, therefore, considered an extension of that language. So, if you have some experience using C language then C++ won’t give you any hard time whatsoever. Both languages have all features in common but C++ takes a more comprehensive approach.

Let’s take a look at most powerful of C++ features:
  • Simple yet efficient
  • Massive Library
  • Object Oriented
  • Extremely Fast
  • Portable

9. JavaScript

JavaScript - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
JavaScript - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
It’s another high-level programming language to build a web app with javascript. The multi-paradigm language offers support for functional programming as well as object-oriented programming.

Though not primarily the app development language, the language is run by the browsers that are used for developing and controlling web pages. It is quite possible to create mobile apps using JavaScript but you also need to be accustomed to HTML, AJAX, and CSS for that.

Several frameworks are there which you can use for creating professional JavaScript applications like jQuery Mobile, Ionic, and PhoneGap. The apps created using JavaScript can be released all at once on every platform be it Windows, iOS, or Android.

Here are some major JavaScript features to consider:
  • One of easiest available languages
  • Quick and efficient
  • Used to add dynamics as well as creating animations for websites that feel boring and dull otherwise
  • Executed on client-side and allows for saving bandwidth as it doesn’t use the server

10. Ruby

Ruby - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Ruby - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Yet another object-oriented general-purpose programming language, Ruby offers support for multiple paradigms. Ruby developers are more in demand as compared to other top-rated programming languages for mobile app development like Python. Hence the demand of not only apps but the websites created with ruby on rails is increased.

Ruby is one of the easiest languages available for app development and allows you to build your app within 10 minutes only. Super easy! There are many popular websites that are built using Ruby. Some of them include Fiverr, Pixlr, Airbnb, Basecamp, Groupon, Bloomberg, Scribd, and ThemeForest. So, it’s not just easy but immensely powerful as well and can be used quite effectively for creating a perfect mobile application.

Here are Ruby major features:
  • Support for dynamic typing
  • Easy coding
  • Object-oriented
  • Perfect for beginners
  • Helpful community
  • Makes use of existing codes
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11. Perl

Perl - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Perl - Best Programming Languages Used To Develop Mobile Applications
Perl basically combines two languages i.e. Perl 5 & Perl 6. The two combine to give a family of dynamic high-level programming languages. Perl utilizes features of different other programming languages like sed, C, AWK, etc. What’s special is that both the languages mentioned above run as well as evolve independently.

With the Perl web framework, it is used in so many different applications like bioinformatics, automation, web development, games development, app development, etc. Some popular examples of Perl’s implementation include Booking, IMDB, and LiveJournal. Android apps development has now been even more simplified with Perl as Google’s own APK is available now to the Perl developers. However, when it comes to the development of iOS apps, you need to use some framework like Mojo, Dancer, and Catalyst.

Let’s look into some major features of Perl language:
  • CPAN is most powerful of all the features available in Perl. It is actually the comprehensive Perl archive network
  • It’s fun using Perl
  • It’s reliable, personal and fast
  • Learning Perl allows you to operate in a no or low competition zone

Bottom Line

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So, these are some of the best programming languages available for Mobile app development. Now whether you want to create the best iPhone apps for movies or just want to get started with business apps or gaming apps, just pick one of these robust programming languages that seem most appropriate and get on with your mobile app development endeavors. No matter what your skill level may be, there are apps that you can learn quickly and start creating some wonderful mobile apps right away.

There is no perfect language for programming and developing mobile apps, but as the number of users and its features growing day by day, more languages and easiness of using existing languages also extending.

As a programmer, it all depends on you, which language you gonna choose according to the purpose and requirement of your developing project. But you must understand, whichever programming language you use to develop mobile apps, that will help you develop your skills and extend your expertise as an Android developer.

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