10 Powerful Ways to Get Quality Traffic to Your Blog

I always love to help people, especially fellow bloggers and I have discovered the problem most bloggers face is getting traffic to their blogs.

Increase traffic to blog
There are different ways of getting traffic to your blog, there are both ethical and unethical ways. When we talk about unethical ways, they are some kind of foolish/stupid web traffic techniques that can never benefit you, some examples are autosurf and traffic exchange whereas organic and quality traffic is the type of traffic that converts and boost pageviews, it provides real people who are really interested in what you have to offer.

As always, here I will be talking about the ethical traffic generation tips which bring about quality traffic only and I will also want you to note that the methods in this post are applicable to any niche.
Website Traffic Tips
Website Traffic Tips

10 Powerful Ways how to increase traffic on website

Also, this is not my “ultimate traffic generation methods” post, I am seriously working on that and I would properly be releasing it as an ebook instead of a blog post, the ebook will be free and will be exclusive to my mailing list subscribers so if you are yet to subscribe, you can have a spot here and also get my free ebook on how to build a better website.

Below are 10 great ways to get FREE traffic to your blog:

1. Write valuable Content

We all know that you can’t expect a 1-month-old baby to begin to walk, the baby has to go through some stages, which involve crawling.

Writing valuable content for your blog is very important and is the most important factor worth considering when trying to get traffic to your blog, you don’t expect people to come to an empty website and you also don’t want them to come to your website and then leave with a bad feeling due to lack of quality content.

When talking about quality content, I am not talking about copying content from article sites and blogs, I am talking about professional copywriting a kind of unique content that reflects you, the writer because things like this make your readers more inclined to stay which means more visitors.

Another really important thing people tend to forget is design and according to this post, I will classify it as valuable content. I don’t think there is any point in writing a blog post when it will not be presentable. If you wrote a blog post and your readers came just to see some ugly and roughly sized fonts, they would not be moved to visit your site the more, unlike a site that has a perfect design.

You must know;

2. Build a List

I always smile whenever I send a mail to my list, just to check my stats the next day and to discover that day was a great traffic day for me. If you are getting 1000 visitors a day, and you are building a list, if you get 50 people on your list every day, at the end of 3 months you will be having over 4500 people on your list and if you send a mail about your blog post to your list, you will eventually end up getting around 1500 additionally visitors to your 1000 daily visitors (if 30 percent visited) making it a mailing traffic boost of 2500 visitors for that day.
The result of a small list might not be impressive but when my list started getting bigger, I began to see more impact, and sending a mail will have brought tens of additional visitors to my blog in hours.

In order to get more subscribers, it is very important you give people incentives to join, a very good example in most of the case it is a free ebook (e.g. 10 keys to building a better website).
It is also very important to manage your list effectively and not to go on bombarding them with emails every day, I wouldn’t like receiving a mail from the same person every day only to be telling me about his business. You also like to read my recent update on PBB; 7 Email Marketing Tips For Bloggers

It is also important to make your list personal, I try to get people’s first name only other than full name because you will easily respond to your first name than your full name, for example, I will be more inclined to read a mail with “Hi John” than one with “Hi John Pitt”.

Some people suggest you should only ask for emails because the simpler the process the more the mails, I will tell you that this is not true, it all depends on what you have to offer, and having a 100 sized responsive list is far better than having a 1000 sized nonresponsive list.

You may also like to check; How Email Marketing Accelerates Lead Response Time | Social Marketing Automation

3. Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is also a great way to get traffic to your blog, it is even more effective because you will have the opportunity to build your brand.

Blog commenting also helps you build a relationship with other bloggers.

When making comments, it is very important to make well-thought-out and engaging comments because this helps the owner of the blog easily notice you and from there you can even get what is more than traffic.

A great example of one of my readers who does this is Shashi, I have noticed him the first day he commented on my blog because he makes well-thought-out comments and he also engages with the blogger and other commenters.

4. Guest Posting

I write a lot of guest posts anytime I catch the fire, I have written as many as five guest posts in one day (aside from my own blog posts), and I must tell you the results are really amazing, I have written a guest post that sent me 2000 visitors in one day (Yes, in one day).

Guest posting effectively depends on how you want to do it, for example, I have written over 160 guest posts altogether this year, but the problem was that almost all my guest posts were submitted to small blogs.
If you are guest posting to build a great brand for yourself and make yourself known, writing so many guest posts and then submitting them to small blogs might be effective but if you want traffic and subscribers, I will advise targeting the big blogs only (You should note that it takes time to get approved).

Guest posting also helps you gain more respected ad loyal readers and it is very important to maintain a high-quality post standard on your blog and with your guest posts. You might be thinking it is not going to be on your blog but I must assure you that the more quality a guest post is, the more readers it will get for you.
Many people try to write guest posts for nonrelated blogs but I must tell you this is not that effective, writing guest posts for related blogs will yield far more results than for nonrelated blogs.

There are many ways to write your guest posts, you might decide to have a marathon, maybe one in which you will write mass articles maybe throughout a month, or casually in which you write when it pleases you.

You must know; 25 Benefits of Guest Blogging | Why It’s Important for Better SEO | Build Website Traffic

5. Article Marketing

This is very similar to guest posting, just that guest posting is more effective if properly done.

A great way to get the best from your articles is by using keywords effectively in your articles. Check out 5 Reasons WHY KEYWORDS Are So Important for SEO Optimization?

It is also very important to use reputable article directories, using a directory like EzineArticles will give you faster and better results than just any directory.

It is also very important to use your SEO anchor text when linking back to your blog.

6. SEO

Many of us know about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), it deals with getting the best from search engine traffic.

SEO is a very important way to get free traffic that should not be overlooked, it might look tough if you are in a competitive niche but it gives you one of the best types of traffic because the visitors you will gain are highly targeted and ready to take action.

SEO consists of I would not be able to write about SEO in this post because it is an entire topic on its own and I have already written about it in earlier posts, so here is a link to read about it: 101 Top SEO Tips for website traffic

7. Linking to Other Bloggers

This is not sure but sometimes does work. If you are linking to other bloggers regularly, you will get on their radar very soon and they will also be linking to you which will, in turn, lead to more traffic and recognition for you.

What many bloggers do is that they write a post in which they link to as many bloggers as they wish, many of them link to ten different blog posts. I hardly do this because I don’t even use blog commenting to get traffic, I also don’t use this method to get traffic and I prefer to only comment on great articles I enjoy and only link to blog posts I enjoy (I rarely do link love posts because there is too much to post rather than link to other blogs just to get attention).

8. Update Your Blog Regularly

This is another great way to get traffic to your blog, I call it “hacking the search engines“. You will see a lot of technology blogs telling you they got 100,000 visitors in one month. How are they getting it?

To uderstand the old post techniques you also need to understand 3 Best Practices For Updating, Recycle And Republishing Old Posts to Drive More Traffic

It is because they are writing a lot of blog posts every day, some of them write more than 5 posts in one day so it makes the search engines quickly trust and place some respect on them which eventually leads to more traffic, another advantage is that it helps you rank for many long-tail keywords.

9. Video Marketing

This method is very effective but rarely used. There are people who use this method alone to get traffic to their blog and they get tens of thousands of visitors every month.

When using video marketing, it is very important to properly optimize your videos by using the appropriate tags and keywords, this makes it very easy for people to find your video through search engines and within the video site.

It is also very important to link back to your blog and also try to mention it a number of times in your video.

Some good places to start are: Youtube, MetaCafe, and Vimeo

You must check; Top 12 Ways To Get 5x Website Traffic From YouTube | Video Traffic Sources

10. Forums

This is one of the methods I hate most and I must not pretend or lie that I use it, I rarely do so but it is very effective, it has sent some people thousands of visitors every month and be quite effective if used properly.

Forum marketing requires using your time to help others by posting useful replies and threads that help solve their problems rather than come across as a spammer.

To be honest, I have been banned on over 100 forums when I just started in the online world (I was a forum spammer then). The first day I started my website, I got 151 visitors to my website from forums only.

The key to getting quality traffic from forums is by writing attractive titles. Threads with attractive titles tend to work out well on forums. A good place to start is the DigitalPoint Forums.

Bottom Line

There are multiple methods you can increase traffic to your website, and in today’s post, we have seen 10 of them that are proven to deliver results, including different techniques to increase website traffic for FREE.

By following these ways, websites can expect to get a boost in website traffic soon. Some of these methods can give quick results whereas others might require some more time and patience. You need to keep trying various traffic boosting tricks and tips.

That's all about website traffic post today, helping you create a broad digital marketing strategy to drive and increase organic web traffic for your website and business as well.

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