[Fixed] Your Site Has No Hreflang Tags | Search Console Error Solved

The Google search console (Webmaster Tool) is a great web utility which is mostly used for improving the search ranking performance of your website or blog. If you are publishing content online in multiple languages or for various locations/regions, then hreflang tag is helpful for you to drive more organic traffic.

Adding HrefLang Tags in Website/WordPress/Blog
If you came across the error message "Your site has no hreflang tags" shown in the Google Search Console while analyzing the search performance of your website or blog and want to fix it then you are at the right page.
The Google crawler handles the hreflang tags if you added in your website to match the visitor's language choice according to the defined language by you in hreflang tag.
This hreflang tag is nothing but language tag helps you from an SEO perspective to crawl international targeting in google webmaster and also that tells the Google and other search engines about the language of your website or blog. So hreflang tag is a way to mark your pages which are similar in nature but specifically aimed for different regions and/or languages.

As a result of this, the owner of the multilingual site/blog expects search engines to send people to the content in their own language. Say a user is French and the page that ranks is English, but there’s also a French version. You would want Google to show the French page in the search results for that French user, and for many other multilingual users as well. According to the hreflang tag you added, the Google and other search engines serve the suitable language or regional URL in SERP (Search results).

The hreflang tags are fairly commonly used to target different markets that use the same language – for example, to differentiate between the US and the UK, etc.

Adding hreflang tag in your WordPress/Blogger/Website HTML is very easy and simple. If you are new to the hreflang tag then the following short introduction will definitely help you not only to add it in your blog but to fix any hreflang tag error in search console.
Fixing Your Site Has No Hreflang Tags Search Console: Adding HrefLang Tags in Website/WordPress/Blog — how to fix your site has no hreflang tags; on WordPress? Quick solutions on the error your site has no hreflang tags blogger? If you came across the error message "Your site has no hreflang tags" shown in the Google Search Console while analyzing the search performance of your website or blog and want to fix it then you are at the right page. This hreflang tag is nothing but language tag used to crawl international targeting in google webmaster and also that tells the Google and other search engines about the language of your website or blog. Adding hreflang tag in your WordPress/Blogger/Website HTML is very easy and simple.
Fixing Your Site Has No Hreflang Tags Search Console: Adding HrefLang Tags in Website/WordPress/Blog — how to fix your site has no hreflang tags; on WordPress? Quick solutions on the error your site has no hreflang tags blogger? If you came across the error message "Your site has no hreflang tags" shown in the Google Search Console while analyzing the search performance of your website or blog and want to fix it then you are at the right page. This hreflang tag is nothing but language tag used to crawl international targeting in google webmaster and also that tells the Google and other search engines about the language of your website or blog. Adding hreflang tag in your WordPress/Blogger/Website HTML is very easy and simple.
In the previous page, I was talking about searching tricks that you might like to know; Top 10 Google Search Techniques To Make You PRO in Google Searching

What’s the SEO benefit of hreflang?

So what makes us think of hreflang tag? Does it really beneficial from an SEO point of view?

YES, it is...!
Google's search console suggests that you should add an hreflang tag to your website so that the Google and other search engines can use your language tag to provide search results accordingly to the visitor's searching for a particular language or geodetic location you specified.

As a professional, you must know; Top 6 On-Page SEO Factors To Consider Before Building an SEO Optimized Web Page
Below are the reasons why you should implement hreflang quickly to drive more organic traffic to your site:
  • One: If your page is optimized in accordance with user's language and region, then you can expect your viewers to land on that after using hreflang tag. Thus in order to get the higher ranking, you have to reduce your bounce back rate. And this bounce rate can only be reduced if you make your site multilingual.
  • Two: Prevents Google to treat the content as a Duplicate. With the help of hreflang tag, you make yourself clear to Google search engine that the content is almost the same but just optimized for different people.
However, sometimes users could not able to set up their site/ blog in this way which facilitates the content for multilingual readers. And as a result of this, such users faced this error "Your site has no hreflang tags.".

As an online publisher, you would like to know; How to Get Star Rating Review In Google Search Results [SERP] | Install Review and Rating System to Rich Snippet

Various bloggers & website developers used to find many questions on the Google as; how to fix 'your site has no hreflang tags' on WordPress? Quick solutions on the error 'your site has no hreflang tags blogger'? How to set up the google webmaster tools for hreflang tags? Any hreflang tags generator? How to add hreflang tags in blogger HTML code? And so on.

Here you can able to fix the errors in hreflang tags as it was created due to missing of supported language tags like ‘en-us’ return tags.

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Just like search console, you must know; 10 Best Mobile-Friendly Test Tools List & Website Testing Sites | Test Your Mobile Friendliness

Fixing "Your Site Has No Hreflang Tags" | Search Console Problem Solved

Just follow below step which helps you resolve "Your site has no hreflang tags" error:

Interting hreftag in Website HTML

  1. Navigate yourself to HTML code of your site/ blog.
  2. Enter the following hreflang code under <head> section of your HTML.
    <link expr:href='data:blog.canonicalUrl.https' hreflang='en' rel='alternate'/>
  3. Save changes and allow Google to crowl your site, usually it takes 24-48 hours, but have patience.

Language targeting

There are language codes are also present, couple of examples are given below:
  • en-us: Targeting English speakers in the United States
  • fr-fr: Targeting French speakers in France
  • de-de: Targeting German speakers in Germany
  • de-at: Targeting German speakers in Austria
  • de-ch: Targeting German speakers in Switzerland
and so on...

You may use such language codes in your hreflang tag while your content is to be read by Multilingual people.

You will find many solution over the net where your home page URL should be inserted against hreflang tag e.g. <link rel="alternate" href="https://mysite(.)com/" hreflang="en"/>

List of All Locales and Their Short Codes

I was working on a PHP application and I needed a list of all locales and their short codes. Also as I'm developing an international application, I just not only support one version of English but also I want to know if there are significant differences in English across the world to support multiple languages.

I've realized that the importance of locales is that your environment/OS can provide formatting functionality for all installed locales. My Windows system has 228 locales installed, so you wouldn't likely have to write any custom code or translation specific to this many locales. I've taken a list of locales, formatted it as JS, and sorted it by value. This way, you always have a designated fallback option, say if your interface has only defined the 'en' option. It's really handy!

  1. af_NA: "Afrikaans (Namibia)",
  2. af_ZA: "Afrikaans (South Africa)",
  3. af: "Afrikaans",
  4. ak_GH: "Akan (Ghana)",
  5. ak: "Akan",
  6. sq_AL: "Albanian (Albania)",
  7. sq: "Albanian",
  8. am_ET: "Amharic (Ethiopia)",
  9. am: "Amharic",
  10. ar_DZ: "Arabic (Algeria)",
  11. ar_BH: "Arabic (Bahrain)",
  12. ar_EG: "Arabic (Egypt)",
  13. ar_IQ: "Arabic (Iraq)",
  14. ar_JO: "Arabic (Jordan)",
  15. ar_KW: "Arabic (Kuwait)",
  16. ar_LB: "Arabic (Lebanon)",
  17. ar_LY: "Arabic (Libya)",
  18. ar_MA: "Arabic (Morocco)",
  19. ar_OM: "Arabic (Oman)",
  20. ar_QA: "Arabic (Qatar)",
  21. ar_SA: "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)",
  22. ar_SD: "Arabic (Sudan)",
  23. ar_SY: "Arabic (Syria)",
  24. ar_TN: "Arabic (Tunisia)",
  25. ar_AE: "Arabic (United Arab Emirates)",
  26. ar_YE: "Arabic (Yemen)",
  27. ar: "Arabic",
  28. hy_AM: "Armenian (Armenia)",
  29. hy: "Armenian",
  30. as_IN: "Assamese (India)",
  31. as: "Assamese",
  32. asa_TZ: "Asu (Tanzania)",
  33. asa: "Asu",
  34. az_Cyrl: "Azerbaijani (Cyrillic)",
  35. az_Cyrl_AZ: "Azerbaijani (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)",
  36. az_Latn: "Azerbaijani (Latin)",
  37. az_Latn_AZ: "Azerbaijani (Latin, Azerbaijan)",
  38. az: "Azerbaijani",
  39. bm_ML: "Bambara (Mali)",
  40. bm: "Bambara",
  41. eu_ES: "Basque (Spain)",
  42. eu: "Basque",
  43. be_BY: "Belarusian (Belarus)",
  44. be: "Belarusian",
  45. bem_ZM: "Bemba (Zambia)",
  46. bem: "Bemba",
  47. bez_TZ: "Bena (Tanzania)",
  48. bez: "Bena",
  49. bn_BD: "Bengali (Bangladesh)",
  50. bn_IN: "Bengali (India)",
  51. bn: "Bengali",
  52. bs_BA: "Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
  53. bs: "Bosnian",
  54. bg_BG: "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)",
  55. bg: "Bulgarian",
  56. my_MM: "Burmese (Myanmar [Burma])",
  57. my: "Burmese",
  58. yue_Hant_HK: "Cantonese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR China)",
  59. ca_ES: "Catalan (Spain)",
  60. ca: "Catalan",
  61. tzm_Latn: "Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin)",
  62. tzm_Latn_MA: "Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin, Morocco)",
  63. tzm: "Central Morocco Tamazight",
  64. chr_US: "Cherokee (United States)",
  65. chr: "Cherokee",
  66. cgg_UG: "Chiga (Uganda)",
  67. cgg: "Chiga",
  68. zh_Hans: "Chinese (Simplified Han)",
  69. zh_Hans_CN: "Chinese (Simplified Han, China)",
  70. zh_Hans_HK: "Chinese (Simplified Han, Hong Kong SAR China)",
  71. zh_Hans_MO: "Chinese (Simplified Han, Macau SAR China)",
  72. zh_Hans_SG: "Chinese (Simplified Han, Singapore)",
  73. zh_Hant: "Chinese (Traditional Han)",
  74. zh_Hant_HK: "Chinese (Traditional Han, Hong Kong SAR China)",
  75. zh_Hant_MO: "Chinese (Traditional Han, Macau SAR China)",
  76. zh_Hant_TW: "Chinese (Traditional Han, Taiwan)",
  77. zh: "Chinese",
  78. kw_GB: "Cornish (United Kingdom)",
  79. kw: "Cornish",
  80. hr_HR: "Croatian (Croatia)",
  81. hr: "Croatian",
  82. cs_CZ: "Czech (Czech Republic)",
  83. cs: "Czech",
  84. da_DK: "Danish (Denmark)",
  85. da: "Danish",
  86. nl_BE: "Dutch (Belgium)",
  87. nl_NL: "Dutch (Netherlands)",
  88. nl: "Dutch",
  89. ebu_KE: "Embu (Kenya)",
  90. ebu: "Embu",
  91. en_AS: "English (American Samoa)",
  92. en_AU: "English (Australia)",
  93. en_BE: "English (Belgium)",
  94. en_BZ: "English (Belize)",
  95. en_BW: "English (Botswana)",
  96. en_CA: "English (Canada)",
  97. en_GU: "English (Guam)",
  98. en_HK: "English (Hong Kong SAR China)",
  99. en_IN: "English (India)",
  100. en_IE: "English (Ireland)",
  101. en_IL: "English (Israel)",
  102. en_JM: "English (Jamaica)",
  103. en_MT: "English (Malta)",
  104. en_MH: "English (Marshall Islands)",
  105. en_MU: "English (Mauritius)",
  106. en_NA: "English (Namibia)",
  107. en_NZ: "English (New Zealand)",
  108. en_MP: "English (Northern Mariana Islands)",
  109. en_PK: "English (Pakistan)",
  110. en_PH: "English (Philippines)",
  111. en_SG: "English (Singapore)",
  112. en_ZA: "English (South Africa)",
  113. en_TT: "English (Trinidad and Tobago)",
  114. en_UM: "English (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands)",
  115. en_VI: "English (U.S. Virgin Islands)",
  116. en_GB: "English (United Kingdom)",
  117. en_US: "English (United States)",
  118. en_ZW: "English (Zimbabwe)",
  119. en: "English",
  120. eo: "Esperanto",
  121. et_EE: "Estonian (Estonia)",
  122. et: "Estonian",
  123. ee_GH: "Ewe (Ghana)",
  124. ee_TG: "Ewe (Togo)",
  125. ee: "Ewe",
  126. fo_FO: "Faroese (Faroe Islands)",
  127. fo: "Faroese",
  128. fil_PH: "Filipino (Philippines)",
  129. fil: "Filipino",
  130. fi_FI: "Finnish (Finland)",
  131. fi: "Finnish",
  132. fr_BE: "French (Belgium)",
  133. fr_BJ: "French (Benin)",
  134. fr_BF: "French (Burkina Faso)",
  135. fr_BI: "French (Burundi)",
  136. fr_CM: "French (Cameroon)",
  137. fr_CA: "French (Canada)",
  138. fr_CF: "French (Central African Republic)",
  139. fr_TD: "French (Chad)",
  140. fr_KM: "French (Comoros)",
  141. fr_CG: "French (Congo - Brazzaville)",
  142. fr_CD: "French (Congo - Kinshasa)",
  143. fr_CI: "French (Côte d’Ivoire)",
  144. fr_DJ: "French (Djibouti)",
  145. fr_GQ: "French (Equatorial Guinea)",
  146. fr_FR: "French (France)",
  147. fr_GA: "French (Gabon)",
  148. fr_GP: "French (Guadeloupe)",
  149. fr_GN: "French (Guinea)",
  150. fr_LU: "French (Luxembourg)",
  151. fr_MG: "French (Madagascar)",
  152. fr_ML: "French (Mali)",
  153. fr_MQ: "French (Martinique)",
  154. fr_MC: "French (Monaco)",
  155. fr_NE: "French (Niger)",
  156. fr_RW: "French (Rwanda)",
  157. fr_RE: "French (Réunion)",
  158. fr_BL: "French (Saint Barthélemy)",
  159. fr_MF: "French (Saint Martin)",
  160. fr_SN: "French (Senegal)",
  161. fr_CH: "French (Switzerland)",
  162. fr_TG: "French (Togo)",
  163. fr: "French",
  164. ff_SN: "Fulah (Senegal)",
  165. ff: "Fulah",
  166. gl_ES: "Galician (Spain)",
  167. gl: "Galician",
  168. lg_UG: "Ganda (Uganda)",
  169. lg: "Ganda",
  170. ka_GE: "Georgian (Georgia)",
  171. ka: "Georgian",
  172. de_AT: "German (Austria)",
  173. de_BE: "German (Belgium)",
  174. de_DE: "German (Germany)",
  175. de_LI: "German (Liechtenstein)",
  176. de_LU: "German (Luxembourg)",
  177. de_CH: "German (Switzerland)",
  178. de: "German",
  179. el_CY: "Greek (Cyprus)",
  180. el_GR: "Greek (Greece)",
  181. el: "Greek",
  182. gu_IN: "Gujarati (India)",
  183. gu: "Gujarati",
  184. guz_KE: "Gusii (Kenya)",
  185. guz: "Gusii",
  186. ha_Latn: "Hausa (Latin)",
  187. ha_Latn_GH: "Hausa (Latin, Ghana)",
  188. ha_Latn_NE: "Hausa (Latin, Niger)",
  189. ha_Latn_NG: "Hausa (Latin, Nigeria)",
  190. ha: "Hausa",
  191. haw_US: "Hawaiian (United States)",
  192. haw: "Hawaiian",
  193. he_IL: "Hebrew (Israel)",
  194. he: "Hebrew",
  195. hi_IN: "Hindi (India)",
  196. hi: "Hindi",
  197. hu_HU: "Hungarian (Hungary)",
  198. hu: "Hungarian",
  199. is_IS: "Icelandic (Iceland)",
  200. is: "Icelandic",
  201. ig_NG: "Igbo (Nigeria)",
  202. ig: "Igbo",
  203. id_ID: "Indonesian (Indonesia)",
  204. id: "Indonesian",
  205. ga_IE: "Irish (Ireland)",
  206. ga: "Irish",
  207. it_IT: "Italian (Italy)",
  208. it_CH: "Italian (Switzerland)",
  209. it: "Italian",
  210. ja_JP: "Japanese (Japan)",
  211. ja: "Japanese",
  212. kea_CV: "Kabuverdianu (Cape Verde)",
  213. kea: "Kabuverdianu",
  214. kab_DZ: "Kabyle (Algeria)",
  215. kab: "Kabyle",
  216. kl_GL: "Kalaallisut (Greenland)",
  217. kl: "Kalaallisut",
  218. kln_KE: "Kalenjin (Kenya)",
  219. kln: "Kalenjin",
  220. kam_KE: "Kamba (Kenya)",
  221. kam: "Kamba",
  222. kn_IN: "Kannada (India)",
  223. kn: "Kannada",
  224. kk_Cyrl: "Kazakh (Cyrillic)",
  225. kk_Cyrl_KZ: "Kazakh (Cyrillic, Kazakhstan)",
  226. kk: "Kazakh",
  227. km_KH: "Khmer (Cambodia)",
  228. km: "Khmer",
  229. ki_KE: "Kikuyu (Kenya)",
  230. ki: "Kikuyu",
  231. rw_RW: "Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)",
  232. rw: "Kinyarwanda",
  233. kok_IN: "Konkani (India)",
  234. kok: "Konkani",
  235. ko_KR: "Korean (South Korea)",
  236. ko: "Korean",
  237. khq_ML: "Koyra Chiini (Mali)",
  238. khq: "Koyra Chiini",
  239. ses_ML: "Koyraboro Senni (Mali)",
  240. ses: "Koyraboro Senni",
  241. lag_TZ: "Langi (Tanzania)",
  242. lag: "Langi",
  243. lv_LV: "Latvian (Latvia)",
  244. lv: "Latvian",
  245. lt_LT: "Lithuanian (Lithuania)",
  246. lt: "Lithuanian",
  247. luo_KE: "Luo (Kenya)",
  248. luo: "Luo",
  249. luy_KE: "Luyia (Kenya)",
  250. luy: "Luyia",
  251. mk_MK: "Macedonian (Macedonia)",
  252. mk: "Macedonian",
  253. jmc_TZ: "Machame (Tanzania)",
  254. jmc: "Machame",
  255. kde_TZ: "Makonde (Tanzania)",
  256. kde: "Makonde",
  257. mg_MG: "Malagasy (Madagascar)",
  258. mg: "Malagasy",
  259. ms_BN: "Malay (Brunei)",
  260. ms_MY: "Malay (Malaysia)",
  261. ms: "Malay",
  262. ml_IN: "Malayalam (India)",
  263. ml: "Malayalam",
  264. mt_MT: "Maltese (Malta)",
  265. mt: "Maltese",
  266. gv_GB: "Manx (United Kingdom)",
  267. gv: "Manx",
  268. mr_IN: "Marathi (India)",
  269. mr: "Marathi",
  270. mas_KE: "Masai (Kenya)",
  271. mas_TZ: "Masai (Tanzania)",
  272. mas: "Masai",
  273. mer_KE: "Meru (Kenya)",
  274. mer: "Meru",
  275. mfe_MU: "Morisyen (Mauritius)",
  276. mfe: "Morisyen",
  277. naq_NA: "Nama (Namibia)",
  278. naq: "Nama",
  279. ne_IN: "Nepali (India)",
  280. ne_NP: "Nepali (Nepal)",
  281. ne: "Nepali",
  282. nd_ZW: "North Ndebele (Zimbabwe)",
  283. nd: "North Ndebele",
  284. nb_NO: "Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)",
  285. nb: "Norwegian Bokmål",
  286. nn_NO: "Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway)",
  287. nn: "Norwegian Nynorsk",
  288. nyn_UG: "Nyankole (Uganda)",
  289. nyn: "Nyankole",
  290. or_IN: "Oriya (India)",
  291. or: "Oriya",
  292. om_ET: "Oromo (Ethiopia)",
  293. om_KE: "Oromo (Kenya)",
  294. om: "Oromo",
  295. ps_AF: "Pashto (Afghanistan)",
  296. ps: "Pashto",
  297. fa_AF: "Persian (Afghanistan)",
  298. fa_IR: "Persian (Iran)",
  299. fa: "Persian",
  300. pl_PL: "Polish (Poland)",
  301. pl: "Polish",
  302. pt_BR: "Portuguese (Brazil)",
  303. pt_GW: "Portuguese (Guinea-Bissau)",
  304. pt_MZ: "Portuguese (Mozambique)",
  305. pt_PT: "Portuguese (Portugal)",
  306. pt: "Portuguese",
  307. pa_Arab: "Punjabi (Arabic)",
  308. pa_Arab_PK: "Punjabi (Arabic, Pakistan)",
  309. pa_Guru: "Punjabi (Gurmukhi)",
  310. pa_Guru_IN: "Punjabi (Gurmukhi, India)",
  311. pa: "Punjabi",
  312. ro_MD: "Romanian (Moldova)",
  313. ro_RO: "Romanian (Romania)",
  314. ro: "Romanian",
  315. rm_CH: "Romansh (Switzerland)",
  316. rm: "Romansh",
  317. rof_TZ: "Rombo (Tanzania)",
  318. rof: "Rombo",
  319. ru_MD: "Russian (Moldova)",
  320. ru_RU: "Russian (Russia)",
  321. ru_UA: "Russian (Ukraine)",
  322. ru: "Russian",
  323. rwk_TZ: "Rwa (Tanzania)",
  324. rwk: "Rwa",
  325. saq_KE: "Samburu (Kenya)",
  326. saq: "Samburu",
  327. sg_CF: "Sango (Central African Republic)",
  328. sg: "Sango",
  329. seh_MZ: "Sena (Mozambique)",
  330. seh: "Sena",
  331. sr_Cyrl: "Serbian (Cyrillic)",
  332. sr_Cyrl_BA: "Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
  333. sr_Cyrl_ME: "Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro)",
  334. sr_Cyrl_RS: "Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)",
  335. sr_Latn: "Serbian (Latin)",
  336. sr_Latn_BA: "Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
  337. sr_Latn_ME: "Serbian (Latin, Montenegro)",
  338. sr_Latn_RS: "Serbian (Latin, Serbia)",
  339. sr: "Serbian",
  340. sn_ZW: "Shona (Zimbabwe)",
  341. sn: "Shona",
  342. ii_CN: "Sichuan Yi (China)",
  343. ii: "Sichuan Yi",
  344. si_LK: "Sinhala (Sri Lanka)",
  345. si: "Sinhala",
  346. sk_SK: "Slovak (Slovakia)",
  347. sk: "Slovak",
  348. sl_SI: "Slovenian (Slovenia)",
  349. sl: "Slovenian",
  350. xog_UG: "Soga (Uganda)",
  351. xog: "Soga",
  352. so_DJ: "Somali (Djibouti)",
  353. so_ET: "Somali (Ethiopia)",
  354. so_KE: "Somali (Kenya)",
  355. so_SO: "Somali (Somalia)",
  356. so: "Somali",
  357. es_AR: "Spanish (Argentina)",
  358. es_BO: "Spanish (Bolivia)",
  359. es_CL: "Spanish (Chile)",
  360. es_CO: "Spanish (Colombia)",
  361. es_CR: "Spanish (Costa Rica)",
  362. es_DO: "Spanish (Dominican Republic)",
  363. es_EC: "Spanish (Ecuador)",
  364. es_SV: "Spanish (El Salvador)",
  365. es_GQ: "Spanish (Equatorial Guinea)",
  366. es_GT: "Spanish (Guatemala)",
  367. es_HN: "Spanish (Honduras)",
  368. es_419: "Spanish (Latin America)",
  369. es_MX: "Spanish (Mexico)",
  370. es_NI: "Spanish (Nicaragua)",
  371. es_PA: "Spanish (Panama)",
  372. es_PY: "Spanish (Paraguay)",
  373. es_PE: "Spanish (Peru)",
  374. es_PR: "Spanish (Puerto Rico)",
  375. es_ES: "Spanish (Spain)",
  376. es_US: "Spanish (United States)",
  377. es_UY: "Spanish (Uruguay)",
  378. es_VE: "Spanish (Venezuela)",
  379. es: "Spanish",
  380. sw_KE: "Swahili (Kenya)",
  381. sw_TZ: "Swahili (Tanzania)",
  382. sw: "Swahili",
  383. sv_FI: "Swedish (Finland)",
  384. sv_SE: "Swedish (Sweden)",
  385. sv: "Swedish",
  386. gsw_CH: "Swiss German (Switzerland)",
  387. gsw: "Swiss German",
  388. shi_Latn: "Tachelhit (Latin)",
  389. shi_Latn_MA: "Tachelhit (Latin, Morocco)",
  390. shi_Tfng: "Tachelhit (Tifinagh)",
  391. shi_Tfng_MA: "Tachelhit (Tifinagh, Morocco)",
  392. shi: "Tachelhit",
  393. dav_KE: "Taita (Kenya)",
  394. dav: "Taita",
  395. ta_IN: "Tamil (India)",
  396. ta_LK: "Tamil (Sri Lanka)",
  397. ta: "Tamil",
  398. te_IN: "Telugu (India)",
  399. te: "Telugu",
  400. teo_KE: "Teso (Kenya)",
  401. teo_UG: "Teso (Uganda)",
  402. teo: "Teso",
  403. th_TH: "Thai (Thailand)",
  404. th: "Thai",
  405. bo_CN: "Tibetan (China)",
  406. bo_IN: "Tibetan (India)",
  407. bo: "Tibetan",
  408. ti_ER: "Tigrinya (Eritrea)",
  409. ti_ET: "Tigrinya (Ethiopia)",
  410. ti: "Tigrinya",
  411. to_TO: "Tonga (Tonga)",
  412. to: "Tonga",
  413. tr_TR: "Turkish (Turkey)",
  414. tr: "Turkish",
  415. uk_UA: "Ukrainian (Ukraine)",
  416. uk: "Ukrainian",
  417. ur_IN: "Urdu (India)",
  418. ur_PK: "Urdu (Pakistan)",
  419. ur: "Urdu",
  420. uz_Arab: "Uzbek (Arabic)",
  421. uz_Arab_AF: "Uzbek (Arabic, Afghanistan)",
  422. uz_Cyrl: "Uzbek (Cyrillic)",
  423. uz_Cyrl_UZ: "Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)",
  424. uz_Latn: "Uzbek (Latin)",
  425. uz_Latn_UZ: "Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)",
  426. uz: "Uzbek",
  427. vi_VN: "Vietnamese (Vietnam)",
  428. vi: "Vietnamese",
  429. vun_TZ: "Vunjo (Tanzania)",
  430. vun: "Vunjo",
  431. cy_GB: "Welsh (United Kingdom)",
  432. cy: "Welsh",
  433. yo_NG: "Yoruba (Nigeria)",
  434. yo: "Yoruba",
  435. zu_ZA: "Zulu (South Africa)",
  436. zu: "Zulu"
However, it's a good practice to make use of the canonical version of URL so that, relative URL will get used in hreflang tag. The canonical URL is already given in above code.

I’m sure above given solution will help you resolve the error.

If you are still facing this error or something you want to suggest apart from the above information, feel free to use below comment section to get in touch with me anytime. Happy to hear from you and to implement the suggestions for helping others.

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