Top 12 Hacks To Rank Your YouTube Videos in 1st Place of Google Search Engine

Struggling to get your YouTube videos to rank in Google searches? Don't worry! This quick guide lists 12 essential hacks to skyrocket your video rankings. Learn how to conduct in-depth keyword research, write attractive titles and descriptions, and boost audience engagement to signal authority to Google. Also added important optimization techniques for thumbnails, playlists, and cards to maximize your video's visibility. Take control of your YouTube SEO strategy with these actionable tips and watch your views go viral!

Increase YouTube video search ranking
If there is any other largest search engine apart from Google, then it is YouTube. It's familiar that it is the 2nd largest search engine. Nearly 400 hours of videos are uploaded on YouTube per minute. That means a bundle of videos over there on YouTube. That gives an idea, that how much difficult it is for a YouTuber to get the video to rank high in the search results.

Youtubers used to search for; how do you get your YouTube video to rank high in search results? How to start becoming a youtuber vlogger? How do you do SEO for YouTube? How does your video get found on YouTube? How to optimize YouTube SEO? And so on.
So only uploading a video is not going to give YouTubers the desired rank. For that, they need to optimize their videos, get more number of views, likes, and shares. Getting more views means, many people are watching your video. Therefore YouTube won't have any problem getting your video in search results.

There are few techniques that the YouTubers need to follow to get the videos high in search results. I know there are some YouTubers who really generate good quality content but due to the lack of SEO techniques, they struggle to get their videos high in search ranking.
Increase YouTube Video Ranking: Ranking YouTube videos on the first page of Google search results in minutes is the hardest part but with the help of 12 hacks to rank your YouTube videos on Google SERP, it becomes easier. Optimizing your videos to rank in Google automatically optimizes it to rank on YouTube too. Listed top 12 hacks used to rank videos in YouTube and Google with the best YouTube SEO plan. Showing you EXACTLY how primary YouTube Ranking Factors helps to rank your YouTube videos. With top 12 optimization tips let’s check how you can optimize all your videos for better rankings correctly. With an understanding of how YouTube videos work for Google (or any search engine), check out 12 ways to rank youtube videos on the first page of google in minutes.
Increase YouTube Video Ranking: Ranking YouTube videos on the first page of Google search results in minutes is the hardest part but with the help of 12 hacks to rank your YouTube videos on Google SERP, it becomes easier. Optimizing your videos to rank in Google automatically optimizes it to rank on YouTube too. Listed top 12 hacks used to rank videos in YouTube and Google with the best YouTube SEO plan. Showing you EXACTLY how primary YouTube Ranking Factors helps to rank your YouTube videos. With top 12 optimization tips let’s check how you can optimize all your videos for better rankings correctly. With an understanding of how YouTube videos work for Google (or any search engine), check out 12 ways to rank youtube videos on the first page of google in minutes.

11 Secrets to Rank Your YouTube Video in Google Search Engine

The YouTube search algorithm keeps changing regularly, you always keep an eye on recent Google algorithm updates. Here on this page, I will share quick ways that will help you to know how to rank your YouTube Videos in Google.

Check out 12 most effective methods to increase your YouTube video search rankings fast:

1. Do your keyword research.

Whenever it comes to YouTube SEO, the procedure starts with 'Video Keyword Research' and getting the keyword ideas is the most important part of SEO. It's impossible to cover all possible keywords in your video.
Recently I posted; 5 Reasons Keywords Are So Important for SEO Optimization that might help you to understand the need for keyword research. Before doing keyword research, you need to be prepared with a list of potential keywords. Google offers two tools to get keyword ideas. One is Keyword Planner and another is Display Planner. Among these Display Planner is the recommended tool as it offers a huge number of relevant keywords. So download these keywords and phrases into an excel file and place them in your video title, tags, and description.

Getting the targeted keywords as other popular videos in the video title, tags and description will help to rank your video high in search results. Apart from this, you can also use YouTube's Search Suggest feature. Just go to YouTube and search for a word or phrase and YouTube will provide you with a number of keywords that are relevant to what you searched in. These YouTube suggested keywords are the terms users are actually searching into YouTube and as YouTube is suggesting no doubt these are 100% popular.

Another best option is to copy the keywords, a popular video is optimized around. Only be sure the video is related to your niche.

Keyword optimization is a vital part of YouTube SEO and if a video has many more views, the possibility is that the video is optimized around popular keywords.

Select Keywords — As you have done all your Keyword research and have enough list of keywords, now it's time for you to select the best keywords from this list. The wise decision would be to select less competitive keywords. This is because if you have few subscribers and use more competitive keywords, your video might get hidden in the search result. Therefore placing less competitive keywords would be a better idea.

Also, check; 9 Tips on How To Do Keyword Research & Analysis For Better SEO To Drive Search Traffic

2. Content.

Publish content with images
Publish content with images
If you see the top videos on YouTube, you will find that they have great content.

Unique and interesting content is key to keep your viewers engaged in your video. It automatically drags viewers to like, comment, share, and subscribe video.
We have seen previously that great content is one of the best Off page SEO technique. It's like exchanging between you and your audience. You entertain them with great content and in reply, they will help rank higher with their views. This sort of giving and take obviously encourages you to create even more great content for your audience and that is even a good thing for both of you. It will definitely help you to keep them engaging.

Some SEO techniques suits for the long term and some for the short term. But content is a kind of technique that supports you for both short and long terms.

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3. Naming your video.

It's been a fact that the search engine doesn't look at what is there inside your video. It's the file name that helps search algorithm to know what is there inside your video and what it's all about. There are two places where you can put this video file name. The first one is Video Title and the second is Raw Video File.

Video Title - I see some videos on YouTube providing their video file name as xyz003.avi. But that doesn't help. It is necessary to name your Video Title as your _keyword.avi/mp4. Labeling the video title as your video file name assists search engine to point your video which in turn helps you to get higher rankings. So it's smart enough to place the focused keywords in your video file name.

Raw Video File - Search engine mainly concentrates on the name of your Raw video file. The reason being you are required to optimize your video file prior to uploading. This you can do any a few steps.
  • Go to the video file you are about to upload
  • Right click on your video file and select "Get Info"
  • Add some relevant tags to your video.
  • Now name your file. Be sure it should be related to your main keywords.
  • In the comments section, add a brief description of what your video is all about.
Check out; 501 Most Popular Blog Title Ideas & Headline Types That’ll Work

4. Promote your video.

Promote your video
Promote your video
No doubt creating high-quality content is very important but it is equally important to make its promotion. Views just don't come by uploading a video, you have to promote it on social media, your websites, etc.
  • Social Media
    A startup can be done by promoting your video on social media. Most of the people on social media (friends, colleagues) are familiar to you. Therefore you can get most of the likes and shares here. The way social media has transformed is amazing. I mean, people are using social media daily rather very often. Most of the time they are found online. So exposing your content where there is already huge traffic might be worthwhile. People are enjoying a complete change over in online interaction through social networks and that is the reason why search engines are starting to look at it.
  • Enlist your video on Quora and other Question-&-Answer sites
    Quora is the most popular Q-and-A site online. There are few others too. The main benefit of posting your video over such sites is, the people who visit these sites are hungry for the information on a particular topic. So it's pretty much obvious that they will watch all your videos to get more and more info. But be sure you don't upload any kind spam material here, otherwise, you can get blocked instantly. The views you get here would be rich in both quality and quantity.
  • Embed a YouTube video in a blog post
    Sometimes be a bit selfish while writing a blog post for your own site or as a guest post for other sites. Why? Because you can think to embed a YouTube video (wherever necessary ) in this post. Such kind of videos can generate more and more quality views.
Recent updates; 9 Ways To Use "VIDEO" For Effective Content Marketing | Promotion and Marketing

5. Custom thumbnail.

Like raw video files, it doesn't help Google to know about your video but it affects the rankings. Thumbnail is a great way to increase your ranking, only when you don't make miss use of it. If you do, you can lose your viewers.
Some of the YouTubers are there who tend to generate a thumbnail that doesn't relate to their actual video. You must know the previous post about thumbnail optimization; Top 15 SEO Image Optimization Tips for Search Engine Traffic This way you can attract the viewers but would be unable to keep them engaged. So be sure to generate a thumbnail that tails the story of your video, that tails what your video is all about and why they should watch your video. This way you can get a strong rise in Click-Through-Rates (CTR) of your video.

To add a custom thumbnail to your video, click on the "Custom Thumbnail" option on the upload screen. Before that, you need to remember some things.
  1. The image size should be 1280×720p
  2. It must be JPG, PMB or GIF.
  3. Max size of the file must be under 2 MB
  4. Use colors like Yellow, Red, Orange in contrast to the white background and blue links in Google.
YouTube will send you 3 random screenshots after uploading your video and you need to choose one of them. These screenshots are randomly selected and can get your viewers away from your video. SO, the custom thumbnail is a much better choice to drag more attention.

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6. Video length.

YouTube is always busy making the user experience better and the reason being it keeps updating the search algorithm. The time when YouTube launched for the first time, views were taken into consideration to rank a video. More the views higher the rank. But it soon got noticed that this thing is promoting click farms which are getting many false clicks. After that, it changed the rules, and this time along with the views it started engagement factors to take into consideration. This lead to force content creators to compulsorily create more interesting content to increase the engagement which was previously not mattering that much.

There are no such guidelines from YouTube to decide your video length. But the videos below 1 minute can be considered as spam by YouTube. Now it is necessary to create a content-rich video that is at least 2 minutes long. How much longer you can keep the audience engaged in your video that much higher your video will rank. Therefore it will be better to create a longer video to get more watch time.

7. Playlist.

Playlist automatically plays the next video in the playlist right after the first one ends. Playlist helps to increase watch time and many views per month. To utilize playlist you need to put in a strategy.

You need to gather 4 to 5 videos from your own videos that have more or less identical themes or topics. After this create a playlist that consists of these videos and show off this playlist on your channel page. The advisable thing here is to try to create a playlist for each and every video.

8. Video description.

YouTube mostly uses or prefers the first two lines or 160 characters of your video description to show your video in search results. So choose your description wisely. You can also make use of the search engine's autocomplete keyword phrases as your video description.

In case the searched keyword complements with the first two lines of your video description, then there are more chances that your video will get to rank high in search results.

Making use of long keywords (minimum 200 words) as your video description can add a boost as well to the ranking. Also, be sure to use synonym keywords throughout your video description. Along with this, you need some things to avoid. Avoid the use of duplicate content. For each of your videos, there should be a different description.

Avoid overuse of keywords to stay away from getting slapped for keyword stuffing.

RECOMMENDED: TubeBuddy Review | 25% OFF Code | Best Toolkit To Grow & Manage YouTube Channel

9. Build links.

External Linking Improves SEO
External Linking Improves SEO
When you search for "kids video for kids" on YouTube, you will find that there is more competition for this term. For such competitive terms, using low competitive or long tail keyword techniques are not enough. For this, the technique that matters the more is "link building". So if you wish to rank your video high for more competitive terms, you need to build links to your video.

Building link in the right link proper way is going to help you to get your video rank higher for whatever keywords you wish. Building a wrong link for your video is liable to be labeled as spam and get removed or banned.

The recommended advice is to build a high-quality link, doesn't matter if it is in a small amount but should be for a longer period of time.

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10. Get new and fresh ideas.

Repeatedly watching some things make it boring after some time. The same is the case with YouTube content. Generally, as a YouTuber, we try to copy the content which is famous at the moment. And that is where we make a big mistake. Till the time your video gets into the search result, there are chances that the content would become boring for viewers. Because they have already watched that content and if you are doing the same, viewers will know what you are doing. They will stay away from this.

If you still want to make videos on the same content, then you need some new and fresh ideas which will work for you. Generate fresh ideas to be different from others.

You must know; Top 12 Tips To Get 1,00,000 of FREE YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS Fast

11. Optimize existing videos with search data.

This is the best way to optimize your existing YouTube videos.
>> Go to
>> Click over Analytics >> Top videos

Now click over a video that you want to optimize and you will be taken to the analytics page for the video you have selected. Now you can see the option traffic source, click over it and choose 'YouTube search' to get the page which will show you the queries viewers are making use of to find your video. Depending upon the kind of queries, you have to optimize your video title, tags, and also the description.

You can use these queries as your video keyword and optimize your video with these new keywords. If you are getting a query that is not your video's part, think this as a new idea for your next YouTube video.

12. Closed caption.

The closed caption feature shows the text over the video which enables your viewers to perceive the story of your video in a better way. You can also translate it into different languages so as to reach out to more and more users.

Uploading a transcript is also a better option. Transcript consists of the text spoken in the video.

YouTube's new algorithm has the ability to turn your voice into a transcript. This makes it more suitable to activate it. If your video lacks the voice, you can opt to write a closed caption. You also have the option to write a transcript into the video description. This is more helpful as your video will be rich in keywords.

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