115 Free Best Ping Sites - 2025 (Updated) to Boost Your Indexing

Nowadays, every blogger knows how to submit the blog to search engines. We have also learned how to increase site traffic and page rank by RSS feed where you have to submit RSS feeds to promote your website or blog content. And it is one of the fastest-growing methods for boosting website traffic where submit your RSS feed to top-ranked RSS feed directories and RSS search engines to get huge traffic. But, now we are going to discuss Ping your blog to Ping services through various ping submission sites.
Sites To 'Ping Your Blog' To Search Engines
Blog owners ask these questions on Google; What is Ping submission in SEO? What is ping service? What is ping submission meaning in blogging? What Is Pingler? What is Ping O Matic? How do I ping my URL regularly? How we can do regular pings to google? What are Ping Submission Sites? How to get mass ping backlinks? How do I ping my website to search engines? And so on.

Pingler is one of the best of 'Top 15 Best Ping Websites' Pingler is one of the useful and preferred pinging service sites in the marketing industry. Like pingler, other ping service pings or reports indexing services like search engines, forums, also the blog search engines, blog directories to notify that your website/blog has been updated.

You will find tons of ping sites which will help you submit your blog to ping services. If you are facing problems with indexing your site or your posts on top search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, etc. then given list of ping submission sites will be your solution. Now we will see what are the benefits of using ping submission sites.
Ping Websites To Speed up Search Engine Indexing: Discover a valuable list of free ping submission sites. Ping services help search engines index your content faster. Submit your website or blog for free to ensure better visibility on the web. Increase your online presence with these efficient ping submission platforms.
Ping Your Blog: Discover a valuable list of free ping submission sites. Ping services help search engines index your content faster. Submit your website or blog for free to ensure better visibility on the web. Increase your online presence with these efficient ping submission platforms.
Also, if you haven’t read 'Top 500+ High PR Sites | Build SEO Quality Backlinks', I highly recommend checking it out after reading this page.

Why Ping Sites Are Important?

Ping submission sites are crucial for quick search engine indexing. They alert search engines whenever new content is added to a website. This process helps in faster crawling and indexing of web pages, ensuring your content appears in search results promptly. Ultimately, using ping submission sites enhances your website's visibility and ensures that your latest updates reach your audience efficiently.

Benefits of Using Ping Submission Sites

  1. Improves indexing: Quick indexing of your blog, new posts and new backlinks by search engines and web directories.
  2. Increases Search Engine Ranking: Due to imporved page indexing, your search engine ranking also increased.
  3. Great Visibility: Increase in SERP Rankings leads to give more visibility of your blog over the internet.
  4. Enhnaces Organic Traffic: Higher the SERP results, higher the organic traffic.
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Now, before moving ahead to ping your blog to the search engines, we will see what is a ping service as well as when and why we need to ping the blog.

What is Ping Service?

The "Ping" term actually indicates a notification. Likewise, you have to ping your site to notify search engines. This way search engines will come to know that, you have made changes in your site or in any of your blog posts. A mechanism based on XML-RPC sends a notification to search engines that content on the site is updated.

There are so many ways to ping your site. Even you can do it either automatically or by using ping services. In WordPress, ping services work automatically. Whenever you update, modify, publish any page or post, search engines are automatically notified.

I'm going to share the top ping submission sites to ping your blog to Search Engines. But, before we start, it is equally important to know when and why to ping the blog.

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When & Why we need to ping blog?

First, we will see "why" to ping your blog. We need to ping your blog just because your content, pages, posts, etc. will be indexed in SERP. Also, the increase in SERP Rankings leads to gives more visibility of your blog over the internet. So quick indexing of your blog, new posts and new backlinks by search engines are necessary in the blogging world.

Now, we will see "when" to ping your blog. If you are new in this blogging industry, your new blog or new post/article has to be indexed as soon as it gets published. As mentioned above, in WordPress, the moment you hit the 'Publish' or 'Update' button, it initiates the ping service and search engines are automatically notified. But for a normal blog, you have to do it manually by submitting your blog to ping submission sites.

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Top-15 Ping Submission Sites To Ping Your Blog To Search Engines

Below is the list of popular sites that will help you ping your blog to search engines. More the submission to ping service sites, more the ranking/indexing/visibility of your blog.

Listed 115 ping websites to speed your indexing to increase traffic:

1. Pingler

It is a free ping tool. You should enter the title or keyword of the URL for pinging your site URLs. There are many default services are included in this ping service, you can add/remove them as per your needs.

You can also select the category of the URL which talks about the niche of your blog or site. A premium version is also offered by Pingler, supports an automatic site crawler.

Link: Pingler

2. Ping-o-Matic

Ping-o-Matic is really an amazing and helpful tool. Ping-o-Matic is a service to notify different search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. that your blog has updated. If you want your posts and backlinks should get quickly indexed, you must use this tool for sure.

You just have to provide your blog name and the URL and RSS URL. Please note, you can't do this in bulk. It is a FREE service for helping your blog to get more organic traffic!

Link: Ping-o-Matic

3. TotalPing

Just enter blog name, blog homepage URL, RSS URL same as that of Ping-o-Matic. This is a simple tool to be used.

You can also select various services either English or International. Just enter all necessary things, tick 'I Agree' tick and hit 'Make ping' button, that's all.

Link: TotalPing

4. Pingsitemap

Here you have to give your XML sitemap URL. It will then be submitted to Google, Yahoo!, Bing (MSN), Ask[.]com and Moreover (Technologies) search engines with one click.

As mentioned, it will ping the major search engines and web services. And helps in notifying them whenever you post a new or do updates in your posts/articles.

Link: Pingsitemap

5. Ping Feedburner

Feedburner is a default ping service offered by Google itself. It is so simple that, you just enter the URL of the blog and it will ping automatically.

This is treated as the most reliable tool since it is hosted by Google. Also, it is much quicker than of the sites which might take some time to update the feeds.

Link: Ping Feedburner

6. Ping My Blog

Just enter blog name, blog homepage URL, RSS URL same as that of Ping-o-Matic or TotalPing. They notify all the popular blogging directories to notify about your latest blogs. This tool also saves your time for adding each one of them manually. You can do it in one go.!

You can select various services based upon where you wanted to ping your blog or site. Just enter tick the required services, tick 'I Agree' tick and hit 'Go ping' button, that's all.

Link: Ping My Blog

7. Pingoat

Pingoat is the most used service for pinging or notifying a wide range of services which usually keeps track of websites and blogs in terms of their updates and publishing.

By doing this, you inform services that, your blog has now been updated. Their crawlers will then index your site or page, blog contents, etc. which leads to an increase in your blog popularity.

Link: Pingoat

8. Domain Pinger

Domain Pinger tool is to ping your website for getting thousands of FREE backlinks. Here you just have to provide your domain URL. Then your website will be submitted to more than 2.4K websites.

Please note, here in this tool, you won't be having an option to select the number of services from available ones. But, they already have included a wide range of websites that accepts free listings.

Link: Domain Pinger

9. Ping

It is yet another service to notify different search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. that your blog has updated. If you want your posts and backlinks should get quickly indexed, you should use this tool.

This enables website owners to index blog quickly. And also make their content available for a larger audience.

Link: Ping

10. Pingfarm

Pingfarm pings popular search engines and web services for mass ping backlinks. And helps in notifying them whenever you post a new post or do updates in your existing posts/articles.

You can do it in bulk ping, just paste URLs for your posts in given text area one per line and hit 'Mass Ping' and that's all. You can also select multiple services to ping to.

Link: Pingfarm

11. Bulkping

In the Bulkping tool, just give website link, keyword or title, and your email address. It will then ping your website to various search engines. The tool will then invite search engines to visit and crawl your site. This results in more targetted traffic and SERP ranking.

You can also select a category based upon your site niche. In case you don't want to ping your site every time you make updates on your blog, you can also set auto-pinging frequency like every 3rd Day or every Week.

Link: Bulkping

12. SmallSEOTools

SmallSEOTools is one of the most popular tools for its various SEO helping features. Here in this tool, just enter your website or a direct link to your blog post. Then select the best suitable category from the list in accordance with your blog niche. And simply click 'Ping Now'.

You can enter up to 10 pages or RSS URLs to do a bulk ping of your pages. This is one of the most recommended tools to try with.

Link: SmallSEOTools

13. IndexKings

IndexKings tool is to ping your website for getting thousands of FREE backlinks and quickest way to get your URLs indexed by Google. Through this tool, your website will be submitted to more than 15,000 websites.

You can ping your domain URL (e.g. https://test.com). Also, if you wanted to ping complex URLs of inner pages (e.g. https://test.com/page1.html etc.), don't forget to tick 'Complex URLs' checkbox while submission.

Link: IndexKings

14. Useme

This tool is similar to that of Domain Pinger tool. It pings your website for getting thousands of FREE backlinks. Here you just have to provide your domain URL. Then your website will be submitted to more than 2.4K websites.

In this tool also, you won't be having an option to select the number of services from available ones. But, you can select Top-20, Top-500 or Top-2000 websites, etc. for your blog to ping to.

Link: Useme

15. Pingbomb

This tool is also similar to that of Useme and Domain Pinger tool. It helps to get more than 4000 backlinks. Just provide your links and your website will be submitted to various search engines.

It helps to create tons of backlinks and spread your content to a larger audience for getting your website to be listed or boosted in SERP ranking.

Link: Pingbomb

Ping Websites To Speed up Search Engine Indexing

Now, checkout list of high-rank ping submission sites to boost your indexing. These are helpful in getting high ranking of your website in SERP:
  1. addurl.nu/
  2. allpodcasts.com/
  3. api.feedster.com/ping
  4. api.moreover.com/ping
  5. auto-ping.com/
  6. autopinger.com/
  7. backlinkping.com/
  8. bitacoras.com/
  9. blo.gs/
  10. blogbuzzer.com/
  11. blogdigger.com/RPC2
  12. blogmatcher.com/
  13. blogmatcher.com/u.php
  14. blogpingtool.com/
  15. blogs.yandex.ru/
  16. blogsearch.google.com/
  17. blogshares.com/rpc.php
  18. blogsnow.com/ping
  19. bulkfeeds.net/rpc
  20. bulkping.com/
  21. bulkping.com/ping/index.php
  22. coreblog.org/ping
  23. domainpinger.com/
  24. excitesubmit.com/
  25. ezedir.com/
  26. feedshark.brainbliss.com/
  27. feedsubmitter.com/
  28. geourl.org/ping
  29. googleping.com/
  30. icerocket.com/
  31. indexkings.com/
  32. ipings.com/
  33. kuleping.com/
  34. lustertechnology.com/
  35. mass-ping.com/
  36. meerutsite.com/
  37. mypagerank.net/
  38. nimtools.com/online-ping-website-tool
  39. ping.amagle.com/
  40. ping.bitacoras.com/
  41. ping.blo.gs/
  42. ping.feedburner.com/
  43. ping.in/
  44. pingates.com/
  45. pingbomb.com/
  46. pingerati.net
  47. pingfarm.com/
  48. pinggator.com/
  49. pingler.com/
  50. pingmyblog.com/
  51. pingmylinks.com/
  52. pingmyurl.com/
  53. pingmyurls.com/
  54. pingoat.net/
  55. pingomatic.com/
  56. pingomatics.com/
  57. pingsitemap.com/
  58. pingthatblog.com/
  59. rpc.weblogs.com/
  60. site24x7.com/
  61. smallseotools.com/
  62. syncr.com/
  63. tools.pingdom.com/
  64. totalping.com/
  65. twingly.com/
  66. useme.org/
  67. weblogalot.com/ping
  68. weblogs.com/
  69. weblogues.com/RPC/
  70. xmlrpc.blogg.de/

Bottom Line
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When it comes to WordPress, it pings your blog by default each and every time you hit the ‘Update’ button. Due to this, search engines are notified continuously. This may lead to treating your site as spam and even you get banned. But a solution to this is to add WordPress plugin such as MaxBlogPress.

With the help of WordPress plugins, you can manage your post updates within a defined time period. This will prevent your site from being pinged each time you click the 'Update' button.

Feel free to use below comment section below to get in touch with me anytime. Happy to hear from you and to understand more for helping others.

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    Modibuilders December 13, 2024 at 3:22 AM

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