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36 Tips for Effectively Using Quora to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
Drive Quora traffic —
If you have ever searched the internet for “How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog” you must have noticed, most of these blogs talk about guest posting, commenting on blogs, promote your blog on social media, etc. I would certainly be wrong if I ask you not to follow these methods as they do add value. However, these methods are not as follow as they seem.
If you have a relatively new blog or have very few contacts within the blogging fraternity, there are very slim chances that any high authority blog owner would allow you to do guest posting. Blog commenting, can get you backlinks, but little or no traffic.
Posting your blog links on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter may fetch you some good results, but within a day, your post will get buried among thousands of other posts. So to get regular traffic, you will have to keep posting regularly.
So what can you do to get regular highly targeted traffic to your blog? The title says it all, QUORA!!!
Some of you may already be knowing it and also tried it without any success. However, I must say you could not succeed because you never knew how to use it the correct way.

What Is Quora?
For those who do not know, Quora is a 'Question & Answer' platform that was started way 10 years back. However, it only started getting popular recently. With over 3.5 Million visits per day, Quora is currently one of the most popular websites on the world wide web.
If you know how to use Quora effectively, you can drive a huge amount of traffic to your website. The best thing about traffic from Quora is, it is a highly targeted traffic source site and will lead to a very low bounce rate. Add to it, unlike social media, you can get traffic regularly once you post an answer at Quora with a link to your blog. Currently, Quora forms 22% of the total traffic to my Blog.
So the question is how to use Quora effectively to drive traffic to your blog? This is precisely what I am going to explain to you in this article. So let’s move on.
Setting up Your Quora Profile
After signing up at Quora, the first thing you need to do is set up your profile. A lot of bloggers skip this step, but this is indeed very important to improve your credibility.1. Add A Relevant Profile Bio
A bio at Quora is nothing but a headline of your Profile. You should select a bio that best describes the topics you are going to cover. You should be clear about what you are good at. If you are going to mainly write about content marketing, use a bio “X Years Experience in Content Marketing” or “I Write About Content Marketing At My Blog www(.)xyz(.)com”.Avoid writing vague bios like “Been there, done that” which are very commonly seen on Quora.
2. Write Brief Profile Description
Quora also lets you write a brief description of yourself. This is the place where you can include a link to your blog. I also include links to my blog’s social media profile and contact us page.3. Link Your Social Account
Make sure at least add one of your social accounts to Quora to instill trust among your readers. This will not only help you get more followers on Quora, but you may even get social media followers for the account you link.4. Add Relevant Topics In “Knows About” Section
You must select the right topics in the “Knows About” section under the 'Answer Tab' of the Quora home page. Based on the topics you select in this section, Quora will compile a list of questions for you to answer.
5. Add Relevant Topics To The Feed Section
Apart from compiling a list of questions for you to answer, Quora also compiles a list of topics for you to read based upon your interest. You can edit these topics in the feed section of your Quora home page. You can choose entirely different topics for your feed section or may add the same topics as in the knows about section.
Get Traffic from Quora to Yout Blog
Now that your profile is properly set up, you can now concentrate on driving maximum traffic to your Blog.1. Select A Blog Post To Drive Traffic To
Almost all bloggers make one mistake. They straightaway lookout for questions on Quora and answer it with a link to any random article on their blog, which they find to be relevant to the question. However, if you are serious about converting your Quora visitors to regular readers, the first thing you must do is to make a list of your best articles that you feel are really worth linking to.You certainly do not want your visitors to read a non-so-well-written article and leave your blog to never come back again. By linking to your best article, you ensure that your visitor likes your content and may even consider subscribing to your newsletter.
Also, as far as possible, try to link to an article that has a lot of internal linking. For example, my article 15 Ways To Make Money Online Without Investment is a summary of 15 ways to make money online, Most of these 15 points, link back to other detailed articles on my blog. This will ensure a very low bounce rate.
2. Finding Questions To Answer
There are many ways you can find questions to answer at Quora. Let us go through each type.2.1 Search Quora
You can use 'Quora Search Bar' to find the right question. However, this method will also give you outdated questions which no one is interested in. I personally use this feature very rarely. This method is suitable for people who find many things online.2.2 Questions For You
A recently posted, followed, or re-asked question is likely to get a lot of views. Such questions are displayed in the “Questions For You” section under the “Answer” Tab of your Quora dashboard. As you can see in the image below, there is a combination of newly asked, re-asked, and followed questions. You may further want to shortlist these questions for answering, which we will discuss later.
2.3 Asked To Answer
Quora has an “Ask To Answer” feature wherein a questioner can ask a question to 15 people. When someone asks you a question, it will be shown in the “Asked to Answer” section just below 'Questions for You.' Initially, you will not find any questions in this section. But as your Quora reputation increases, more questions will show up in this section.At times, these questions may be totally out of context, yet, they are one of the best types of questions to answer. This is mainly because, when you are answering a question asked by someone, it gives more authority to your answer and is less likely to be regarded as spam by Quora 'Moderation Team' even if you include multiple links to your Blog.
2.4 Most Wanted Questions
As the name suggests, these are the questions that get regular followers and views but lack any good answers. Answering such a question can give you a lot of views instantly.However, you cannot filter these questions based on the topics you follow. You have to manually search each and every question to find the one you would want to answer which can be really time-consuming so I personally avoid such questions.
2.5 Questions In Your Feeds
Questions in your feeds are primarily meant for you to read. If you have selected the right Topics in your feed while setting up your profile, you can see some relevant questions in this section.
However, with popularity, comes competition. You are directly competing with the best answers and unless your answer is really helpful, your answer may not even get noticed.
3. Shortlisting Questions Which Can Drive Traffic
So you now know how to find questions to answer. However, you certainly would not like to spend your time and energy answering questions that will receive only a few views and hence little or no traffic to your Blog.So let us find out how to shortlist questions with the potential to drive traffic from the rest.
3.1. Check Followers For The Question
Quora enables its readers to follow a question they are seeking answers to. Its function is similar to following a status update on Facebook. The thumb rule says, more the number of followers to a question, the more popular the question is and so will draw a lot of visitors to it.In addition, whenever you answer such questions, almost everyone following the question will receive notifications with a link to your answer.
Check the question 'What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?' As shown below, it has over 35,417 followers. So whenever you publish an answer to this question, around 35,000 people will be notified about your answer with an easy link to view it.

3.2. Check The Number Of Views
The number of views a question gets is another thing you must check while answering a question. There are many questions that have very few followers, yet they get a good number of views. The question, 'Is India Changing?', as shown below has only 924 followers but has over 5.6 million views. Also, as you can see, 275 people were viewing the question at the time I took the screenshot which indicates its popularity.
3.3. Quantity And Quality Of Answers Already Posted
While it may be exciting to answer the most popular questions, you must also check the number of answers already posted along with the quality of the top-ranked answers. This is because, at Quora, some popular questions can get way too many answers.The question 'What is the most amazing photo you have ever taken?' had received 2903 answers at the time of taking the screenshot.

3.4. Number Of Views From The Last Day
For the trending answers, Quora shows additional information about the number of views the question has received in the past day. This information is shown both in your “Questions For You” section as well as when you see an individual question.
4. Writing The Answer
Once you have your 'Question', the next thing would be to write an answer. While there is no definite guideline on what type of 'Answers' get more views, the following things worked for me...4.1. Longer yet Precise Answer
At Quora, longer answers which cover most topics are usually ranked higher. Having said that, from my experience I can say that people avoid reading very long answers especially if they are not formatted well and written in a single paragraph.So do not try to elongate your answers just because Quora ranks it higher. Try to balance the preciseness and length of the answer.
4.2. Bulleted Points
Answers with bulleted points have given me more views and upvotes than answers with longer paragraphs. Bulleted answers can help your reader quickly scan through various points of your answer. Longer paragraphs may get boring when you have lots of possible answers to read.4.3. Using Appropriate Images
Images, as most bloggers know, can draw the attention of users. Appropriate use of images can get you more views than the ones without any image.4.4. Write helpful answers
You must make sure, that your answer should be helpful to the questioner and other readers. If you do not address the questioner’s concern, they will not care to click on your blog’s link. Moreover, your question may be downvoted. Too many downvotes will make Quora automatically hide your answer from others.4.5. Be Honest To Your Readers
Always be honest with your readers. Honest answers can get you more upvotes. It also helps you win the trust of your reader and can significantly improve the CTR to your blog links.5. Adding Links To Your Blog
Quora frowns upon people who answer questions to promote their blogs and products. So it’s very important that you put your links without using a sales pitch.Try to write a helpful answer and include a link to your blog at the end saying “If you liked my answer, you may also find my XYZ article to be useful” or ” For more detailed and elaborate insights you can check XYZ article at my blog”.
You may also include links at the start or middle of the answer but do so in a way that your reader feels you are trying to help them by providing the link rather than promoting your blog to them. You may also consider including links to other websites to make the linking look more natural.
You can see one of my answers on quora about How To Make Money Online. I have included multiple links in a very natural way. It was also included in the 'Quora Weekly digest' and was sent to 2000 Quora Subscribers.
6. Moving Your Answer To The Top
A lot of people on Quora read only the top few answers for a question. In order to get more views, you must try to move your answer to the top. Quora follows an algorithm that decides the sequence in which the answers are displayed. Though Quora does not reveal the actual algorithm, it’s evident that Quora considers the following factors6.1. Number of Views
The more the number of views to your answer, the more likely it is to be placed at the Top.6.2. Number of Upvotes
An answer which gets a lot of upvotes is more likely to rank better than the one which gets lesser upvotes. However, recent upvotes are given more weightage. So always makes sure to request your readers to upvote your answer at the end of each answer6.3. Credibility of the upvoters
A Lot of people use fake accounts to upvote their own answers or some people buy upvotes from websites like Fiverr. Therefore, Quora gives less weightage to Quora profiles that are new or have very few questions as well as answers to their credit.6.4. Preference To Most Viewed Writers
Quora adds a “Most Viewed Writer” badge to the 'Top 10 Writers of each Topic' based on the number of views their answers get. Since I am the most viewed writer in various 'Making Money Online' categories, as soon as I post a new answer in 'Online Jobs' and 'Making Money Online' Topics, my answer gets placed near the top of the list, above several other answers with lots of views and upvotes. Unless the question is very popular, a couple of upvotes takes my answer to the very top.So try to answer more questions from a particular category to be the 'Most Viewed Writer'.
6.5. Overall Credibility Of Your Profile
While my answer gets preference in topics where I am the most viewed writer, in other topics too my answers are usually placed somewhere in the middle and not at the bottom. This is because my answers from various categories have received 142K views and 8,350 upvotes in the past 30 days. So Quora considers my answers to be more useful.To improve the credibility of your profile, you can answer some questions which may not be relevant to your Topic, but which you feel can fetch you a good number of views and upvotes.
6.6. Answer Some Questions Without Links To Your Blog
Including links to your blog in every post can send red signals to the 'Quora Moderation' team. Therefore, you must write at least a few answers which do not contain any link to your blog or elsewhere. You may answer such questions from any topics you like. Quora can be a fun place too. So explore it.7. Things To Avoid At Quora
- Do not write irrelevant answers. If the questioner is asking about Off-Page SEO, write only about Off-Page SEO. Do not try to include On-Page SEO too.
- Do not spam your answers with irrelevant links which are totally out of context as it may lead to people downvoting your answer which may result in a ban.
- Do not copy-paste the same answer on multiple Quora questions. Quora moderation team may delete all your answers including the original. They may even ban your account
- Do not downvote other people’s genuine answers to make your answer rank higher. If you downvote too many answers, Quora will eventually give lesser importance to your downvotes.
- Avoid using your affiliate links. If at all you wish to do so, make sure to disclose it to your readers.
Bottom Line
Using Quora is one of the best ways to drive targeted traffic to your Blog. It is especially a boon for new bloggers who struggle to get organic traffic to their blogs. If used correctly, it can drive regular traffic to your blog. I still receive traffic from answers I posted 2 months back.Have you been using Quora to get traffic to your Blog? Do share with us the strategies you use.