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8 Reasons Why Visitors Bounce From Your Business Blog
Why visitors bounce from your blog website? —
Bounce Rate Website Analytics: Web developers used to search for what is a good bounce rate in Google Analytics? What does a high bounce rate mean? How do you fix a high bounce rate? What is website bounce? Why visitors leave your pages? What to learn from bounce rate? How to improve and fix the high bounce rate? And so on...
Check out google analytics bounce rate calculations which present you the top reasons why do visitors leave your blog or website so quickly. A blog with an effective content strategy can be a powerful inbound marketing and branding tool. Many business blogs simply don't work. The content is adequate or even good, but no one reads it.

8 Reasons Why Visitors Bounce From Your Business Blog
There are any number of reasons that a visitor might not convert into a buyer, but if it seems they aren't even staying long enough to read a single article, something is amiss.Try to understand these most affecting reasons why your visitors leave your articles and bounce off from your site:
1. You write for yourself.
This is the number-one sin of business blogging. Many business bloggers, especially if they are part of the business they are writing for and even more so if they are a founder of that business, will write content that appeals to them. They write about the business and its successes in terms that would only be appreciated by someone else in the same business. The problem is obvious: the people who buy your products aren't you.When I come across a business like this, I recommend they hire an external writer or content marketer. Professional content marketers know how to build accurate audience personas and create content of value to the potential audience.
That's not to say you shouldn't write about your business and it's technologies; in fact, writing interesting articles about your technology and processes can be a great recruiting tool. But that doesn't make it a great sales tool. If sales are your goal, write for your audience, not for yourself.
You must check out; 15 Ways How To Write An Effective Blog Post
2. Your content is boring.
This suggestion is somewhat related but distinct. Choose five random articles from your blog and read them carefully. If you stumbled across them in your Facebook feed or Twitter list, would you stick around and read them? If you can't put yourself in the position of a lead, and then honestly say that the content is valuable and interesting, it's time for a change of strategy.Hope you like to read; Top 7 Strategies For Creating Content Faster When You Don’t Have an Idea
3. You use click-bait headlines.
Click-bait is a popular strategy because it works for publishers who live and die by advertising revenue. The same technique isn't applicable to businesses that want to establish a reputation for trustworthiness.Your aim is to write content that draws readers in and gives them what they want. Attracting them with click-bait and then failing to deliver on the catchy headline is a recipe for creating high bounce rates.
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4. Your site is not mobile-friendly.
This one doesn't need much explanation. Test Your Mobile Friendliness & Responsive Web Designs. A substantial proportion of online reading takes place on phones and tablets. If I come to your website and find that I have to pinch and zoom my way around a page that is hostile to my choice of device, I simply won't bother, and nor will most users.It's not difficult to create a responsive website. If you're a WordPress user, use a responsive theme. A shortcut to a mobile-friendly experience is Google's Accelerated Mobile Page format, which is available as a WordPress plugin.
You should know; Making Blogger Responsive Mobile-friendly Template Design | Responsive Web Development
5. Your site is slow.
Performance is one of the most important components of a positive reading experience, especially on mobile. If your page takes more than a couple of seconds to load, most visitors won't wait around, regardless how well-written or compelling the content. Learn to setup CloudFlare free CDN service in WordPress/Blogger to speedup website loading.RECOMMENDED: Top 10 Places To Check Website Speed & Performance Optimization Issues
Performance optimization is a complex topic, but the basic foundations include:
- 6. Choosing the right hosting. Cheap hosting might save you a few pennies, but it's a false economy. Find a best hosting company that understands your content management system and has a commitment to availability and uptime.
- 7. Don't cram as much JavaScript on the page as possible. You need to track traffic for analytics, but do you really need seven different tracking scripts on every page? Keep it to a minimum or simply remove unwanted JavaScript.
- 8. Use caching. Without caching, even the nimblest content management system will struggle to cope with high traffic. If you're a WordPress user, W3 Total Cache is a good option.