Speed Up Windows 11x Faster Without Any Software | Make PC Faster | Win 10/8/7/XP

Is your computer now running slow? Is your machine is now taking ages to load the files? I know, your answer is going to be 'Yes' because that's the reason you are here. If you feel that there is a significant drop in start-up time, overall processing speed, etc., this is the time to take some actions to bring your machine back to the business. Increase speed of PC using 10 ways to speed up Windows performance.

How to make computer run faster without any software
In this techie world, your daily work, social updates, personal info; all these things are stored on laptops. It could be school work, our college project files, memorable photos, office work, tax return files, videos and, many more things which are important to do the work daily. And to work efficiently your laptop must be faster enough to process all the things. To make computer faster, you should know the fundamental things you can do to make your computer run faster. You have to take some steps so that you can do all your tasks quickly where you should clean out a computer to make it faster. By following steps to speed up your computer, you could also solve computer startup slow problem.

Many of you search this on Google; why is my computer so slow? What makes a computer fast? Why is my PC so slow all of a sudden? How can I speed up a slow computer? How can I fix a slow computer? How can I make my laptop run faster? How do you make your pc faster? How to make your computer load faster? How to make your computer faster windows 10? How to make your PC run faster? How to make computer run faster without any software? And so on.

For the long run, you must optimize windows 10 without any 3rd party software or any windows tool. With small precautions, you can easily increase pc speed and keep your system running faster.

Before you plan to spend thousands of bucks on a brand new computer, you must implement a few simple steps to fix Windows 7 slow and make your Windows computer run faster than before. If your computer very slow to work; here in this post, I've shared a couple of steps which will speed up a computer without software. There are tons of programs that make your computer faster, but yet there are few tips to speed up computer or some ways to speed up your computer .

There are several ways to speed up computer, but these are the ones which make your computer faster without any software. But before implementing any things to speed up computer or making any major changes, it is always a good idea to take back up of all your essential files. Just in case, if you messed up anything, you can restore it back to its previous state.
How to make computer run faster: Learn how to make your Windows PC run faster with our simple Tweaks to speed up Windows to improve PC performance. Listed top ten steps to fix why is my computer so slow and to speed up windows faster quickly.
How to make computer run faster: Learn how to make your Windows PC run faster with our simple Tweaks to speed up Windows to improve PC performance. Listed top ten steps to fix why is my computer so slow and to speed up windows faster quickly.
Also, if you haven’t read 12 IMP Things To Consider While Buying A New Laptop | Laptop Buying Guide, I highly recommend checking it out.

How To Make Computer Run Faster Without Any Software

What do I need to speed up my computer? Here I'm going to discuss how to speed up your computer for free? or how to make the computer super fast to function efficiently? Even more finding the answers to how to make your CPU run faster, how to clean the computer to make it faster and so many things. Hang on, go ahead and check out how to make the computer run faster without any software.

There are many Run commands to speed up Windows 10 or to operate the computer smoothly. I searched such commands and found hundreds of them. Not all are required for boosting the processing speed of the computer, but I've listed the most effective and simple ones. Just enter the following commands and delete files that appear on your screen. Also, while deleting temporary files, you might need to skip some files whenever computer prompts. It's just because those files are used by any other program.

Listed top ten steps to fix why is my computer so slow and to speed up Windows 10 quickly:

Step 1: Remove System and local temporary files.

As you keep on doing things on your computer, your machine continuously stores some data in a memory. Either it's in the form of cache, temporary files, etc.

If you want your computer to work seamlessly, you should clean temporary files from your computer regularly. Follow these steps to get rid of such temp files.
  1. Go to Start >> Run.
  2. Enter temp and hit Enter.
  3. You will navigated to this folder:
  4. Delete all the files from this folder.
  5. Now, enter %temp% and hit Enter.
  6. You will navigated to this folder:
  7. Delete all the files from this folder.
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Step 2: Remove recent log files.

You continuously travel across your windows like opening folders, opening files, launching applications, etc. This creates activity history and that history gets stored in 'Recent' folder on your computer.

You have to clear this activity log. Even though these files do not acquire more memory space, but it's better to remove all such recent activity logs.
  1. Go to Start >> Run.
  2. Enter recent and hit Enter.
  3. You will navigated to this folder: C:\Users\{pc_name}\Recent.
  4. Delete all the files from this folder.

Step 3: Remove prefetch files.

Temporary files are usually created when your machine turns off in an unusual way. But prefetch files are different and are more complicated, they got created when an application is opened for the first time. Such files also slow down your machine speed.

To remove prefetch files, just follow below steps:
  1. Go to Start > Run.
  2. Enter prefetch and hit Enter.
  3. Delete all the files.
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Step 4: Run 'Disk Cleanup' for windows.

This is one of the quickest ways to get rid of a variety of unwanted or unnecessary files from your machine. Just implement the below steps so that you can select and clean such data like log files, temporary internet files, memory dump files, etc.
  1. Go to Start > Run.
  2. Enter cleanmgr and hit Enter.
  3. Select checkbox against all the files.
    Run Disk Cleanup for Windows
    Run Disk Cleanup for Windows
  4. You can also see total amount of disk space you gain on selecting all the files.
  5. Hit OK button and allow your computer to delete all the selected files.
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Step 5: Re-register actxprxy.dll file.

This DLL is an ActiveX Library [mostly referred as "Activex Interface Marshaling Library"] from Microsoft Corporation which is related to computer network security. This file should not be removed from your machine. It is a process that is needed for your computer to work properly.

Just follow below steps to re-register this actxprxy.dll file:
  1. Click Start.
  2. Open Command Prompt (Run as administrator).
  3. Enter regsvr32 actxprxy.dll and hit Enter.
    Re-Register actxprxy DLL
    Re-Register actxprxy DLL
  4. You will see a message as "DllRegisterServer in actxprxy.dll succeeded".

Step 6: Set up msconfig >> Boot tab.

  1. Click Start.
  2. Open Command Prompt.
  3. Enter msconfig and hit Enter.
  4. Navigate to Boot tab.
  5. Enter '3' in 'Timeout' field.
    Boot Timeout Option
    Boot Timeout Option
  6. Now, click on 'Advanced Options' button.
  7. Just tick 'Numbers of processors' and 'Maximum memory' checkboxes and hit OK button.
    Boot Advanced Options
    Boot Advanced Options
  8. You will see system configuration window to apply changes, choose 'Exit without restart' option.

RECOMMENDED: 5 Tips To Speed Up Windows Boot Time By ​‌‌‘​‌Turn on fast startup’ Option | Make Windows 10/8/7 Faster

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Step 7: Set up msconfig >> Startup tab.

On the windows startup, there are many applications that get auto-launched and also get minimized to the system tray. Such applications become hurdles while the system is in a booting state. So it is a good practice to disable unwanted or unnecessary application(s) from startup list to speed up the booting time.
  1. Click Start.
  2. Open Command Prompt.
  3. Enter msconfig and hit Enter.
  4. Navigate to Startup tab.
  5. You will see list of applications which gets launched on windows startup.
  6. Try to disable any unwanted or unnecessary application(s) from startup list.

Step 8: Disable prefetch & superfetch parameters.

As mentioned above, you know how to remove prefetch files. But we could prevent windows from generating any prefetch files.

By disabling Windows default prefetch and the superfetch features, not just you can avoid generating prefetch files but it can reduce the overhead associated with prefetch and superfetch operations.

You need to disable Superfetch service, if you see high CPU usage, and RAM. Having Superfetch turned ON, it might cause a noticeable lag in your computer speed and performance. And it is also applicable for SSD as well as older HDD users.
  1. Click Start.
  2. Open Command Prompt.
  3. Enter regedit and hit Enter.
  4. Navigate to below location:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentcontrolSet > Control > Session Manager > Memory ManagementE > PrefetchParameters
  5. Double click 'EnablePrefetcher' option.
  6. Enter '0' in 'Value data' text-box.
    RegEdit Enable Prefetcher
    RegEdit Enable Prefetcher
  7. Now go to Start > Computer Management.
  8. Navigate to Services and Applications > Services option.
  9. Search for 'Superfetch' service from the list.
    Disable Superfetch Service
    Disable Superfetch Service
  10. Double click on this service and Disable it.

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Step 9: Disable notification from User account control settings.

Whenever any changes will be made in the system, it shows a notification on your screen. But through the user account control setting, we can control such notifications.

Just follow below steps and disable user account control notifications:
  1. Click Start.
  2. Type Control Panel.
  3. Click on User Accounts option.
  4. Now, click on Change User Account Control Settings option.
  5. Set the pointer to 'Never Notify'
    User Account Control Settings
    User Account Control Settings
  6. Hit 'OK' button.

Step 10: Disable 'Windows Update' service*.

Recently, the latest operating system keeps this service in Running state. Due to which, your computer always check for any latest windows update and installs them in the background.

You can control the windows update by disabling from the services. You could do windows update manually later as and when needed.
  1. Click Start.
  2. Type Computer Management.
  3. Navigate to Services and Applications > Services option.
  4. Search for 'Windows Update' service from the list.
  5. Double click on this service and Disable it.
    Disable Windows Update Service
    Disable Windows Update Service
Please note: You have to keep your Windows up-to-date on regular interval.

Bottom Line

On top of the above steps, I would recommend you to avoid keeping many files or folders on your desktop. Try to keep your desktop clean and put only those files or folders which you frequently use. Generally, the system takes more time to load all the items from your desktop. So you have to free up your system from doing this.

I’m sure by following any one of the methods from listed ones will help your system to run faster without any external software.

If you are still facing slowdown issues or something you want to suggest apart from the above points, feel free to use below comment section to get in touch with me anytime. Happy to hear from you and to implement the suggestions for helping others.

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