What Is Ezoic Premium and How Is It Differ from Ezoic? Check Pros & Cons

What is ezoic premium? Before knowing the Ezoic premium program let me also give you some information about what is Ezoic. So, friends, Ezoic is focused on the latest AI technology, with the help of which publisher optimize monetization so to increase ad earning, page speed, security of the website (Prevents being hacked), site layout testing, user experience, etc.
Ezoic Premium
The auto ad tester tool is one of the best tools of Ezoic which helps to increase ad revenue for publishers by optimizing ad placements through a machine learning framework. To know about Ezoic in detail, I have written a complete Ezoic Review, from where you can learn more about Ezoic and its working functions.

Today I am going to talk about Ezoic pricing, premium monetization, advanced UX, and much more that describes Ezoic premium services.

Ezoic premium is an invitation-only service that produces guaranteed brand advertiser sales. Ezoic suggests premium services to monetization customers as a monthly subscription. But what is Ezoic premium and why you should think about it, lets's discuss more.
What Is Ezoic Premium & How Is It Different from Ezoic?
What Is Ezoic Premium & How Is It Different from Ezoic?
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What is Ezoic Premium?

Friends, you have got the above information about Ezoic, now you will know about Ezoic Premium here, what is Ezoic Premium?

Any website that gets a lot of quality traffic and its earning very well, moreover if it is first approved by Ezoic and it further follows other requirements mandated to be eligible for Ezoic Premium Program, then you can say it is then eligible to add that Ezoic User to Ezoic Premium Program. An email is sent to Ezoic users who can join the program anytime as per their wishes.

Ezoic Premium is an invite-only program that allows participating publishers with enhanced monetization, advanced features, API access, more timely reporting, and expert advice to boost site performance.

You can’t apply directly as because the Ezoic Premium is a subscription-based service that requires responsibility on the part of the publisher. You’ll receive an email including an Ezoic Premium invitation to join. Premium Publishers normally earn far more in extra earnings than the service fees, and many users notice traffic boost and performance improvements as a result as well.
Please note that the Ezoic Premium program is only open to publishers who are already worked and tested the Ezoic platform for an extended period and satisfy other quality standards. Also, they are accepting a limited number of new premium publishers every month so they are incapable to add multiple requests for Ezoic Premium participation.
At the beginning, Ezoic suggests a free trial for all products and features. No payment method or commitment is needed to sign-up to use Ezoic.

Try Ezoic Here

Is Ezoic Premium Free?

You will get an invitation from Ezoic for FREE. You can not apply yourself for your website. Once you satisfy the criteria required for Ezoic premium you will get an invitation.

But once you get the invitation you are then able to choose the plan for your need, where you need to pay for the Ezoic premium plan and its levels.

Ezoic Premium Program levels:

There are 7 levels in the Ezoic Premium Program as listed below:
  • 1 Star
  • 2 Star
  • 3 Star
  • 4 Star
  • 5 Star
  • Diamond
  • Double Diamond
There are 3 other premium plans in each level which are as follows:
  • Basic
  • Preferred
  • Elite
Through the above three plans, you are able to access Premium Ads per month. The Basic plan is cheap, it has the expensive Preferred and the most expensive Elite plan.

What are the benefits of Ezoic Premium?

Friends, I am sure that you have understood well above what is Ezoic premium? How does Ezoic premium work? Now you will understand below what are the benefits of Ezoic premium, which is explained in detail in the best way below.

The main advantage of subscribing Ezoic premium plan is to get a higher Ezoic RPM and so the powerful increase in your ad earnings. And yeah, it is the reason why most of the Ezoic premium publishers have signed up for it.

The Ezoic Premium program is designed in such a way that the ad earnings made through Ezoic premium ads are always more than the premium fees for the monthly ads plan so that the blogger does not have to suffer. Not just ad revenue boost, there are a few additional benefits to using Ezoic Premium above extra income:.

Additional benefits to using Ezoic Premium:
  1. Priority data processing: Ad optimization for your site will be processed faster than regular users. Ezoic claims that the premium user earns more than the normal user. Because the data of premium users is processed first, which also increases revenue and benefits UX optimization.
  2. API access and priority reporting: You will be able to check all the site analytics for 24 hours but before nonpremium free users. Priority for Ezoic premium users. Where Ezoic users can see other data like Ads Revenue in 48 hours, bloggers with the Ezoic Premium program can see it 24 hours in advance.
  3. Advanced page speed tracking: You can easily track the speed of each entity loading for your web page.
  4. Critical CSS rendering: Removes CSS errors on the browser side.
  5. Ezoic site speed accelerator offer: Discounts are available on Ezoic site speed accelerator expenses.
  6. Dedicated account manager.
  7. Monthly expert sessions for site reviews: You can also take the help of an expert or get the website reviewed every month to manage each Ezoic account.
  8. Premium advertiser reporting: It shows the advertisers who are most responsible for your Ezoic earnings growth. Through the Premium Advertiser Reports, you can know through which advertisements you are earning.
  9. High priority: Although Ezoic users get complete customer support, users with the Ezoic Premium program are given first priority.
  10. High CPC Ads: Not many ads are placed on the Ezoic Premium site, but very expensive ads are displayed, which increases earnings, as well as the pagespeed, which is also very fast due to fewer ads on the website.
  11. Precise technical support: Very fast and accurate technical support is available through the Account manager.
  12. Higher ads revenue boost: Friends, according to estimates, 99% of bloggers or publishers sign up in Ezoic Premium only to increase their earnings. The main advantage of Ezoic Premium is that it increases Ads Revenue.
  13. Lazy loading images: It loads the images as you scroll the web page, which improves UX.
  14. Provides next Gen images: Uploaded image quality and size will not affect overall site loading.
  15. Minifying HTML.
  16. Lazy loading iFrames.
  17. Auto resizing images.

Ezoic Premium Requirements

Find out the criteria to join Ezoic Premium:
  • Ezoic earnings should be more than $50 per month.
  • You must have accessed Ezoic at least for 3 months.
Once you’ve satisfied both of these conditions, you’re eligible to receive an invitation for Ezoic Premium. Wait for your turn and keep an eye on your emails.

Studying Ezoic Earnings With Premium

Ezoic Premium earnings are calculated from the high paying strategies by applying which the bidding is carried out through Ezoic Premium that competes for quality traffic and requests with all other Ezoic ad partners included in Ezoic and as a part of your Ezoic Level.
Studying Ezoic Earnings With Premium
Studying Ezoic Earnings With Premium
It also competes with several ad networks you already working with which are connected through mediation.

Try Ezoic Here

How to Get Ezoic Premium Ads?

You have learned above what is Ezoic premium and what are its benefits, but now you will learn here how to get Ezoic premium? How to sign up in Ezoic premium?

So friends, let me tell you that if a user's site gets a lot of but quality traffic and earns very well and also is compatible with the Ezoic Premium program, then the premium invitation is sent by Ezoic to those desired Ezoic users and then it can be involved in.

A credit card is also required to join the Ezoic premium program. With the help of the Ezoic Premium Program, you can take a monthly or yearly subscription where you can also take technical support with the help of your dedicated Ezoic account manager so that you do not have to suffer.

Is There Always a Profit in Ezoic Premium?

Yes, Ezoic premium program is a very profitable program because; if suppose you have taken a yearly subscription and your website traffic drops next month then Ezoic downgrades your premium plan due to falling traffic so that you do not suffer and taking care all to run the premium plan smoothly in the future.

On downgrade, the existing balance amount is credited to you.

What Are the Drawbacks of Ezoic Premium?

From the above discussion of pros & cons of Ezoic premium, you have understood well what are the benefits of Ezoic Premium, then now you also need to know what are the disadvantages of Ezoic Premium.

Drawbacks of Ezoic Premium:
  1. First of all, talking about the disadvantage of never changing the Ezoic Premium plan. You can not change your plan once decided. Once you have selected the premium tier plan, you cannot downgrade it, meaning you cannot convert the plan you purchased to a cheaper or expensive one.
  2. Ezoic Premium program does not have the facility to deduct the fees amount from your monthly earnings for your monthly subscriptions. You will have to deduct payments from your bank credit card to pay the premium for your subscription.
  3. Depending on your billing cycle, you may get premium revenue after 30 to 45 days to pay for a particular month's subscription.

What Is the Difference Between Google AdSense and Ezoic?

Google AdSense Vs Ezoic:
  • To get monthly payment from Google AdSense, there should be at least $100 earning, while Ezoic should have at least $20 monthly earning.
  • Ezoic increases the speed of the website i.e. helps in SEO, but there is no such option in Google AdSense.
  • Google AdSense sends the PIN code to the home for address verification, while Ezoic does not.
  • When Ezoic's account is suspended, the Earning that Ezoic account sends to the user's account, while Google Adsense does not send the Earning made when Suspend.
  • In Ezoic, a person can create multiple accounts in his/her name, whereas in Google AdSense only one account can be created in the name of one person, Google AdSense suspends the other account if there is more than one account.
  • Ezoic has more ad earnings than Google AdSense for each ad slot.
  • There is no limit on monthly page views to get approval from Google Adsense. While it was mandatory* to have 10,000 monthly page views earlier in Ezoic, but now you can apply for Ezoic monetization even if you have less than 10,000 monthly page views, then the website gets monetized even if there are less than 10,000 page views.
To know more about the comparison and differences between AdSense & Ezoic, I have recently published full detailed page on Google Adsense vs Ezoic, that you would like to read: Ezoic vs AdSense - Compare Differences & Reviews

What Is the Difference Between Ezoic and Ezoic Premium?

Friends, you must have understood well the advantages and disadvantages of Ezoic premium above. Now you will have this curiosity in your mind that what is the difference between Ezoic and Ezoic Premium, so here you will understand well;

Ezoic Vs Ezoic Premium:
  • Ezoic premium customers get technical support, faster than normal Ezoic customers.
  • Ezoic premium user gets more expensive ads as compared to Ezoic user because of higher Ezoic RPM.
  • Ezoic is free, whereas Ezoic premium user has to take monthly or yearly subscription to get the subscription.
  • Compared to normal Ezoic users, Ezoic premium users are able to see other data like getting earning reports 24 hours earlier.
  • Ezoic premium users can take the help of Ezoic experts to get their site managed or reviewed, while normal Ezoic customers can only take the help of the technical support team.
  • Ezoic premium user is given priority in providing technical support as compared to normal Ezoic customer.
  • Ezoic premium user earns more than normal ezoic user due to costly ads.
  • Ezoic premium users can also know through which ads earning has been done whereas those Ezoic users do not get this option.
  • Due to fewer ads on the site of Ezoic premium users, the page speed of the website is good.
Try Ezoic Here

Ezoic Premium FAQ

  • Does Ezoic support the Hindi language website?
  • How many page views should be there to get approved from Ezoic?
    No limit, No necessity.
  • Can only Google Adsense approved website apply for Ezoic?
    No, websites that are not approved by Google Adsense are also approved by Ezoic.
  • Can I apply for Ezoic if the website is already approved by Google Adsense?
    Yes, both Google AdSense and Ezoic can be approved simultaneously on the same website.
  • Is Ezoic premium free?
    No, it's a subscription-based service. You have to pay for Ezoic premium plans.
  • What do I have to do to get Ezoic premium ads?
    You will get an Ezoic premium invitation once you fulfill its criteria.
  • Is Ezoic Premium Profitable?
    Yes, branded ads with high CPC are available in this.
  • Can Ezoic Approve the site, without AdSense approval? Can I use Ezoic without AdSense approval?
  • Does Ezoic earn more than AdSense? Is Ezoic earning better than AdSense?
    Yes. With higher Ezoic RPM you will be able to get higher ad income.

Bottom Line
Friends, how did you like this article related to Ezoic Premium, tell us by writing in the comment box. I sincerely hope that you must have liked this article, what is Ezoic premium, what are the benefits of Ezoic premium, and what is the difference between Ezoic premium and Google AdSense; like these querries are solved here satisfactorily.

Friends, to know about Ezoic premium, many articles are available on Google; if there are any shortcomings in this article. Do let us know via comment.

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