501 Best Merry Christmas Wishes/Photos/Cards/Messages/SMS 2025
Vinayak SP
Christmas is the day where all the Christians are celebrating it as an annual festival of commemorating the birth of Jesus. Centuries before, the God Jesus arrived on the Earth. In the winter season probably it was the end of December, as it was assumed that it is a perfect time for the celebration of Christmas.
Today I am sharing something different but most trending materials as most of our international readers are celebrating Christmas. But before that, you also like to know about some facts on Christmas.
In European and other countries, there are so many people who celebrate Christmas on December 25th, but there is disagreement among scholars people on when Jesus was born, also anyone didn't know about the actual day and time at all. For many people around the world, in different countries and in different Christian traditions, Christmas lasts for a lot longer than that and it is even celebrated at different times.
Christmas holidays are basically deriving from various cultures, including Teutonic, Celtic, roman, west Asian and Christian. Christmas Eve has many of its own levies and traditions.
In some areas, Christmas is also called as Xmas; some don't think it's a good way to call Christmas as 'Xmas' since it takes the 'Christ' (Jesus) out of Christmas. It around 12 days of celebration of Christmas and it starts on Christmas day, it lasts until the evening of the 5th January also known as twelfth night.
The calendar system which we are now using it; it was created in the 6th Century by a monk called Dionysius Exiguus. He was trying to create a better system with the calendar, the calendar is based on the birth of Jesus being in the year 0001. Although he made a mistake that he didn't mention the birth of Jesus.
Comparatively to other religious festivals, it seems the Christmas is quite a small festival in India, the actual number of people who are Christians is around 2.3% only as compared to people who belong to other religions. There are over 25 million people in India who belong from the Christian culture. In India, one of the largest Christian communities is in Mumbai. There are a lot of Christian people who live, however, India's smallest state of Goa, there are about 26% of people who belong with Christian culture. The other state of Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya and many of the east side of India have a high population of Christmas as well. On such occasion, every house gets well decorated with the Christmas Tree and stars, even though every stationery and shops are full of the decorated material.
Christmas is the season that exchanging of gifts is one of the core aspects of the modern Santa Clause is known for helping the poor people and giving secret gifts to people who needed it most. People decorated their homes and barns with greenery for New Year in order to ward off evil.
This Christmas make the time for others to love, peace, and humility. Enjoy the holidays together and create memories through family Christmas traditions is something you will NEVER regret.
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Vinayak SP
A passionate web geek, digital columnist, and a successful solo entrepreneur who has been dedicatedly working on ProBlogBooster. Don't miss out on his insights - Join the PBB tribe & follow on social media and subscribe to email newsletter to stay updated with the latest tech trends & internet buzz!
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