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10 Most Useful Computer Tips and Tricks Every Windows User Must Know
Many of us spend hours a day on the computer and may think that we know all the tricks and shortcuts that make our work easier. Let me tell you, there is a countless shortcuts and tricks are included on the computer you are using. The most proficient PC users don’t realize that they could be utilized all the tricks on a daily basis. And hence this page is got posted here to help you out for using most useful latest computer tricks and tips you should start applying them while working on your PC.
Useful Computer Tricks —
Do you guys love to learn new things about the computer? Do you want to learn how to run your computer smartly? Then you have come to the right page. From college students, office workers to freelancers everywhere computers and laptops are necessary things. As well as these computer tricks and shortcuts are must to know all of you.
No matter how techy person you are, there are certain things that everyone should deal with when using a computer but unfortunately, we don’t always deal with them in the most efficient ways to run computer smoothly. We know some of the basic things about computer and softwares such as how to avoid viruses, keyboard shortcuts, or even keeping your data backed up. But these thigs are not going to help you make your computer work easier, like I said there are countless other things, tricks, and computer hacks that you must know about.

10 important Computer Tricks Every Computer User Must Know
In this article, I will tell you the most effective and already tested computer tricks and tips which will not only save your time but also it will help you to run your computer faster than you think.Check out top 10 computer hacks that will help you work fast and efficient:
1. Change password
Setting up password for your computer for security purposes is necessary. Every computer user set their computer password but what if I tell you to change your computer password? Many of us may use the same method as the control panel. They simply go to the control panel >> user account >> put an old password and then set a new password for their system.If I tell you to set your computer password without using an old password, then I am sure many of you may not be able to do that.
Without using an old password you can change your new password by using some commands in your system. There is an easy and shortcut ways to change password without using an old password. Let me show you how.
Step 1 : Open command prompt:

Step 2: Windows command prompt:

net user
and press enter key. After that, it will show how many user accounts on your computer.
Step 3: User accounts command prompt:

net user YourName YourNewPassword
You will see the command completed successfully message over there (as shown in the picture). That means you have successfully changed your computer password and that is all about it. In the whole process, you don't need to type your old password to set a new one. Isn't it interesting?
If you use the control panel method to change your computer password, you need to type the old password there but if you use the command prompt method you can easily change it without any old password.
Use and share this quick method with your friends and family in case of emergancy that they will think you are smart and talented guy in computers.
2. Task manager
Task manager is one of the important aspects and easy way to manage many things with few clicks. If I tell you to open the Task Manager Window on your computer, you can simply press "Alt+Ctrl+Delete" on the keyboard or you can directly search on the windows menu. But it is a little bit lengthy process.There is another ways to open task manager window quickly in your computer screen. Follow the step below.
Step 1: Keyboard trick:

Using this method, you can quickly make your work easier and able to tell your friends how knowledgable you are!
3. Block websites
After reading the title of this trick many of you might be surprised by thinking, do we can really block any website on our computer??!!?? Yes, you can definitely block any website in your computer system. Whichever website that you don't want to access on your computer you can block in a simple steps. Just follow these steps given below.Step 1: Run Box:

In the search box just type this instruction:
And press the OK button.
Step 2: Find Hosts file location in C Drive:

Step 3: Opening Hosts file in Notepad:

Step 4: Local IP adress list:

Just type and then type the website name that you want to block ahead and save that file.
Similarly if you want to block another websites you can add the next IP address that start with next digit and type that website name and save the file. Like shown below;
[Note: Editing hosts file may cause errors while surfing. Also for editing hosts file, it is suggested to take backup of it first. If the file is not getting saved, copy it on other drive, edit it, save and then replace it with the original.]
4. Encrypting files and folders
This hack is for everybody who has their important documents and data on their computer and they don't want to share any of their files on another device. In that case, if you think that there have been a folder or document that is very important for you and don't want to access it to any other system, then you can Encrypt that folder with few steps. Once you do this step, the folder will get Encrypted and nobody can copy that particular folder and access it to another device.Step 1: Right click and open properties:

Step 2: File properties option:

Step 3: Advanced attribution window:

Another thing I would like to tell is the method will apply only to the system, where the BitLocker is already installed.
5. Unlock wifi password
Did you forget and bothering to remember your wifi password? No worry you can easily find out what is the password of your wifi with the help of the command prompt option.Step 1: Opening command prompt:

Step 2: Wifi name command prompt:

Step 3: Wifi details command prompt:

6. Know Your IP address
When you connect your laptop or computer to your wifi, there are many things behind it at a time and you should know about it. Yes, I am talking about it's IP address, DNS server address and many more. In a few commands, you can see all the wifi and IP address details over your system. To know about it keep follow the steps below.Step 1: All IP address command prompt:

7. Hidden folder
Without any software, you can hide your important folders in your system. So, nobody can see the folders and important files that you saved on your PC. This is an interesting and important trick, you should know about. To know how to hide and unhide the important folders keep follow the steps that I have given below carefully.Step 1: Folder properties window:

Step 2: Uncheck hidden items

8. Hide Drive Partitions
As we all know there have many drives in our system. Such as C-drive, D-drive, E-drive, F-drive and more. Also, many people create a different partitions for external uses and to save their important data on it. But did you know you can hide any drive that you want on your system?With a simple steps you can hide and unhide any drive from your comuter. Keep follow the steps given below carefully.
Step 1: Opening Run Box for local group policy editor window:

and click ok.
Step 2: Local group policy editor window:

All you need to go through step by step here:
See the list on the left-hand side and go to;
Computer configeration >> User configeration >> Administrative templates >> Windows components >> File expolrer >> seletct "Hide all specified drivers in my computer" from the list given right side >>
Double click on it and it will open.
[To make it more sophisticated you can see the picture.]
Step 3: Hiding specified drive window:

If you want to unhide the same drive, you can do the same process above. But only you need to choose the "Disabled" option and click on Apply and ok. Your drive will be visible in the system again.
9. Access Blocked Website
This is the most important trick and much useful for the people who work online. You guys might have seen before many times that in a particular area like college, school or in the commercial sector, you can't access some social websites like Facebook and YouTube. They block such websites for security purposes. But there is a way and trick by using you can easily access such blocked websites.Step 1 : Open by proxysites:

10. IP Address of Website
By using the command prompt you can easily get to know the IP address of the particular website you want.Step 1: Opening command prompt: Search and open command prompt and you will see the window.
Step 2: Command prompt for IP Address of Website:

Bottom Line
I hope above all the 10 tricks and steps are definitely will going to helps you. Introducing only these 10 computer tricks to you is like putting a glass of water from the sea.There are tons of other tricks have in the system but I am sure the above 10 computer tips will definitely be going sweet spot for you.